Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

Land use survey 
Photo material 
There were a 1:25 000 black and white pancromatic photo- 
graphy from 1973 and a 1:20 000 photography from December, 
1976 available. A photomosaie 1:10 000 made from the former 
photography was used to show the 1975 situation, From the 
latter photography contact prints 1:20 000 with stereoscopic 
coverage and 1:10 000 enlargement were made, In addition to 
the photos 1:5000 and 1:10 O00 maps compiled from the 1975 
photography were also available. 
Objectives of the survey 
The survey was made in order to get answers for the follow- 
ing questions: 
- What is the population by traffic zone 1977? The populat- 
ion data 1975 was given in "mahallah'"s, which is a tradit- 
ional statistic unit in Libya. The traffic zones were in 
general smaller than mahallahs, 
= What are the economic activities 1977 by zone in terms 
of land area and floor space occupied by different 
functions? There were some statistics about the employ- 
ment in the city, but the zonal distribution was unknown, 
The above data was necessary for the traffic model calibrat- 
ion and for the forecasting of land use and traffic generation 
and attraction development. 
General aspects about the working method, 
In a land use survey the smallest areal unit, in which the 
information will be given and the classification of economic 
activities should be predetermined.

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