Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

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Juni 1977. 
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idea at all of the potentialities of the new techniques". 
On the evidence of a French contribution to this congress, there 
seems to be a definite interest in France (BIED CHARRETON & DARRIGO, 
1977). In this paper, it was revealed that of the 142 projects in which 
use is made cf remote sensing (including photograph interpretation) in 
physical planning, 45% were basic inventories (geology, plant growth, 
etc.) and 55% were more or less directly related to physical planning. 
In the Netherlands too there has been an attempt to reduce the gap 
between the two disciplines. In 1976 the ITC organised a seminar in which 
several planning aspects of urban aerial photography usage were discussed". 
In one of the papers, the general application of aerial phot ography was 
elaborated (DE PHUUIN, 1978). This concerned a research project in which the 
usage by a number of local authorities from 90, - 200,000 inhabitants was 
explored, at ihe same time investigating the deployment of public services 
within one local authority. On the basis of this limited research (12 local 
authorities) it was concluded that most medium large local authorities 
indeed are in possession of fairly recent large scale aerial photographs, 
but that their use is mostly confined to cartographic and "an hoc" purposes. 
Apart fron one exception, no systematic usage was observable of aerial 
pnotoyraphe as an independent source of information. 
As a continuation of the above mentioned research, it is here being 
zttempted to gain more insight into the Dutch situation. More users, 
especially those at other administrative levels, will be involved, as will 
be apparant in the following section. 
Set up and results of ihe survey 
The survey is basically a questionnaire, intended for institutions 
concerned with physical planning at the three administrative levels, 
together with a number of organisations outside public service which in 
one way or another are involved in physical planning. 
ITC, 8 and 9 April 1976.

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