Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

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The sar. tenädency can be observed in both research projecis. Carto- 
crepnic usc is relsiively morc prominent in ihis research. 
Conclusion: aur expectations 
The use of aerizl photographs in physical planning is, as can be 
concluded fror the above, certainly not a generally accepted pratice 
in the Netherlands. 
At the national level, they are hardly used and if application takes 
place at all then it is hardly in an intensive way. 
At the provincial level aerial photography, if available, is clearly 
already used in a more specific way. A systematic application, however, is 
nowhere apparant at this administrative level. 
The most development is observable within the local authorities. 
This research offers no defi.:ite conclusions about the availability of 
aerial photographs at this level, given that only those bodies which were 
likely to react positively were contacted. As far as those local authorities 
which do posses aerial photographs are concerned, their use was further 
developed than at other administrative levels, as seen in ihe many specific 
and sometimes even systematic applications. 
The "vla developments in remote sensing techniques will undoubtedly 
brinz possibilities of application more into prominence. There are even 
now indications of increasing interest to be recognised. Several developments, 
such às the uee of colour photographs, systematic use and own flights are 
recent advances and will undoubiedIy éxpamde Alga an the supply side such 
indications do not go unnoticed. From the information given by one of Tte 
suppliers for the purposes of this research, it is appareant that the number 
of orders has increased by 50% since 1970. Another supplier has fairly recently 
(1976) begun to make photo maps systematically. 
There are of course stille many problems to overcome: the planning 
tradition is being confronted with a new techniques,based on a totally 
different concept and with its own jargon. The use which aerial photography 
and other remote sensing techniques will have for physical plamning, 
complementary to the conventional techniques, will be revealed' in the 
course of time. 

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