Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

" aériennes 
ardie, t. 24. 
Bull. de la 
aphie agrai- 
on Centre 
de la France 
a France. 
ton, sous 
aysages du 
ion de Géo- 
ages agrai- 
des Morins , 
. Pas-de-Ca- 
aux comm- 
re secrète 
» et J. 
sur le dé- 
oires de lia 
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SANEF 1978. Autoroute A 26 Calais-Arras. Section Nordausque - St Omer - Lillers. 
Commune de Linghem. 3 vol. dactyl. 
In spite of its poor ground resolution, the image- 
ry of Landsat satellites operating at present gives a lot of information con- 
cerning the structuration of agrarian landscapes, especially for the open- 
field landscapes which have evolved over a long period. 
An integrated study of the "Haut-Artois' landscape 
situated in the Therouanne region (P. de C., département, France) which em- 
ploys different data scales going from cadastral to orbital scale, shows 
distinctly a specific system of land divisions, with two prevalent directions. 
This orthogonal grid based upon the old road called "chaussée Brunehaut' 
joining Arras to Thérouanne can easily be spotted from the communal land re- 
gister, but is more evident on the aerial photographs (scale 1/20 000) and 
topographic maps (scale 1/50 000 and 1/100 000) and still more in the net- 
work pattern of parisch boundaries. The thorough analysis of satellites ima- 
gery (photographic enlargement, scale 1/200 000) confirms the correctness of 
previous observations, and gives additional information : owing to the sim- 
plifying power of the minimum perception (50 x 80 m) about agrarian data, it 
is possible to estimate with adequate precision the area covered by these pre- 
ferential directions. 
Consequently, the satellite imagery proves to be a 
safe approach to the structuration of agrarian landscapes ; it could also be 
used justifiably as basic regional information in preliminary studies for 
planning and environnental policy.

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