1 *cos 0 T(»,90) 1-T(H,7 )r(H,0).
= T ve,
p Lo Cosi cos © T(H, 9) '1-T(s, 0)T(, 0) (0. 7,1),
where H is the flight altitude,
y is the view angle of the scanner, zero being nadir,
8 is the sun zenith angle,
p is the angle between scan lines and sun azimuth,
y is the angle between sun and scanner view direction and
can be computed according to:
- cos Ÿ = cos 0 cos? + sin 8 sin cosy,
can be computed according to:
cos 9 + cos P
“COS =... s
E is the extraterrestrial sun irradiance,
S is the sky irradiance at sea level. to be measured,
a is t'.c standard deviation describing water wave distribution,
for n being the rcfraction index of water,
p(Y) for any angle f" derives from
1 sin” (¥- 1) tan^( Y ^) sin X
pi) = $7 12 ne naar
sin (+3) tan (+97)
I is the total vertical atmospheric path radiance, determi-
ned thrcugh ground experiments,
and the functions T (transmittance) and G, which depend on the wave-
length À , are:
(4) T(h,K)= Ur À )-ma(h, jy
3r(eo, À (1+cos V) t 4m(so, À )() 2) ta^ -2g cos)
3r(co, À \(1+cos 8) + 4m(#, X)(1-g )(1*2 *2gcos 6)
MU [o
where y is a constant in the range . 7 - .97 which could not'be deter-
mined but was estimated to .9 for the flights in question here. The func-
tions r(h,À ) and m(h, À) are terms describing Rayleigh and Mie scatter-
ing in the atmosphere,
z(h, À) z« (h) 0.009793 4. 09
m(h, A) sj) ‘A OE
where A and B are constants determined through ground experiments,
dd ab dd omo B
Sé aii Dad a