Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

pair 1,2. 
These results can not be interpreted easily. Clearly, correlation with 
the short wave channels is weak because these channels lave a low sig- 
nal-to-noise ratio (Figs. 9,10). Since sample number, chlorophyll con- 
centration, salinity, and turbidity are correlated (the absolute values of 
the correlation coefficients are between 0. 70 and 0. 95), the measurements 
probably are done across an area where fresh water mixes with sea wa- 
ter, with continuous increase in salinity, and decrease in chlorophyll and 
suspended matter concentration. The correlations observed between ra- 
diances and sea truth measurements are compatible with that interpreta - 
tion. However, a local maximum of radiance between sampling positions 
13 and 21 does appear in all channels but not in the chlorophyll or sus- 
pended matter measurements. 
From this simple correlation analysis notling can be concluded about 
spectral separability of chlororhvii and sediments through OCS data be- 
cause the two parameters are correlated amoeag each other and probably 
the reflectivity is determined mainly by the high sediment content. 
There is a general increase of the radiance towards the coast, especially 
in the red channels. Even if the sea truth records show that sediment 
content is higher near the shore, one should not overlook the possibility 
that a part of the measured radiation is light reflected from a bright beach 
and scattered into the field of viev of the scanner. Indeed, the contrast 
between land and water is strongest for the red channels. 
The ship tracks c:iresponding to flight lines 1 and 3 are close to the 
border ofthe scanned area, and es»ecially after tide correction, many 
sampling points fall even outside thesc areas. Apparently, the frame 
of the window at the bottom cf the aircraft was ir ine optical path of the 
3canner for large scan angles, causing a strong attenuation of received 
radiances which could not be coirccced. For these reasons, the data of 
the two flight tracks have not been analyzed. 
Hopefullv, analysis of the data of the 29th of June will allow to obtain 
more ccnclusive results since sea truth for that day is more complete 
and richer, both for amount of data and variation of measured parame- 

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