Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

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Fig. 13 
Fig. 14-12 
Figure Captions 
Pass bands of some scanning radiometers in the visible 
and near infrared 
OCS flights of June 27, 1977 
OCS flights of June 29, 1977 
OCS flights of July 3, 1977 
Ship tracks of June 27, 1977 
Flight line 4 : coast line and ship P sampling positions 
plotted over the scanner image for two sets of flight para- 
Flight line 4: coast linc plotted aver the scanner image 
for optimized flight and scan gecmetiy parameters 
Flight line 1: 2rithinetic sam of channels 4, 6 and 8, with 
overlay of ship Y sampling positions before and after tide 
correction. Note the S-shaped foature which is probably 
caused by a local current phenomenon 
Flight line 4: channels 1, 3, 6 and 10. The upper half of 
the images is corrected for window and atmosphere trans- 
mittance, path radiance, sun and sky glint. The lower 
half is corrected for all but sun and sky glint. The super- 
posed i:orizontal radiance profiles show the cumulative 
effects of window transmittance correction (upper profile), 
atmospLeric correction, and glint correction (lower pro- 
file). Note the =2z.dual sun glint ir i:aunicels 1 and 3 due 
to calibration errur:. 
Ship track B: chlorupayll and sediment concentration for 
the sampling stations: X = chlorophyll A, + is suspended 
Flight line 4: water leaving radiances for channels 1, 3, 4, 
6,7,10, for tide corrected (X) and uncorrected (+) sampling 
positions of ship B. 
Fig. 1 
: 4 4 4 — LANDSAT 
BENDIX n?$ + pren) 
H HH H czcs 
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300 Yoo 500 600 700 foo se. 190 Me 200 A Í nm] 

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