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Claudio R. Sonnenburg
Head,Remote Sensing Department
Institute for Space Research - INPE
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - INPE
Sao Jose dos Campos, SP - BRASIL
The purpose of this paper is to describe the Remote Sensing
Program of the Institute for Space Research (INPE) and the RADAMBRASIL
Project which, at this time, constitute the main efforts of the application
of remote sensing in Brazil.
The Brazilian territory has a little over 8,500,000 kn, of
which 3,570,000 correspond to the Amazon region. A substantial part of
what remains corresponds to the Central-West region, with an area of
1,800,000 km, and the Northeast region with 1,540,00 km. These regions,
which collectively correspond to 82% of the area of the nation, have a low
population density and are very little known, mainly in the area of natural
resources. In this respect, remote sensing, especially by satellites,which
allows surveys of large areas very rapidly and at relatively low costs, is
the perfect tool for a large and developing nation like Brazil to augment
the knowledge of its natural resources.
The Brazilian remote sensing activities started in 1968 when
a group of researchers from several government institutions, under. the
coordination of INPE, at that time National Commission for Space Activities
(CNAE), participated in a remote sensing training course offered by NASA/
JSC. From 1969 to 1970 INPE's main concern was to train persons from other
institutions, which were potential users of this new technology, as well as
to set up its own research group. At this time, a significant step was the
acquisition of a 10 passenger twin engine Bandeirante aircraft. It was
equipped with several sensors.
In 1970 INPE initiated studies to install a Landsat
receiving and processing station. At the same time, the National Department