Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

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denoting the relative portions of red, green and blue light in 
the spectrum, as well as the "Yellowhess Index" 
. A25:( X%W- Z%) 
for these parameters are measurable without absolute calibra- 
tion of the scanner, The Yellowness Index is a sensitive in- 
dex of a yellowness of a colour. 
In the Elbe Mouth the parameter Born closely correlates 
with the content of suspended matter, and so does V.) with 
the content of yellow substance of the water in this region. 
In representing the parameter J sre on a chart of the German 
Bight one finds, as characteristic feature, a north-south 
orientated streaky pattern of higher and lower values, name- 
ly of the content of yellow substance. The Yellowness Index of 
scattered light NY ) >as well as further colorimetric 
parameters of the Buc AMT an analogous behaviour. 
To interprete this phenomenon it must be taken into consid- 
eration that the Elbe water with predominating western winds 
turns to the north of Cuxhaven. With calm and pronounced 
eastwind situation it happens that the Elbe water makes a 
large turn to the west up to Helgoland before turning to the 
north. This was the situation at the beginning of our GAUSS 
cruise. During the first days of the cruise a strong gale 
developed. Due to this, the stream of the Elbe water should 
deflect to the north. This, however, does not occur at one 
strech, but rather in several pulses, with the tidal rhythm. 
This is our working hypothesis. 
It is intended to gain thorough insight into the described 
phenomenon with the aid of Nimbus-G-CZCS observations and 
their colorimetric evaluation. There is hope that this can 
be achieved. 
It may be expected that a quantitative notion of colour will 
in a similar way be of use in remote sensing on the continent, 
especially in studying the signatures.

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