Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

© a Bendix LN-3 2 channel scanner with magnetic tape recording and 
ble 3 shows e 
digitizing facilities; 
e Barnes PRT-5 radiometer. 
Another very important available tool is the multispectral 
image analysis system, the Image-100 from GE. This system has been expanded 
considerably since its installation and today has the following additional 
e an 88 Mbyte disc; 
e 48 K words of main memory; 
© a Dicomed D47 photographic recorder; 
m e RSX-11 M multitasking operating system; 
e maximum likelihood classification software; 
+ | e software to produce enhanced imagery. 
Recently, another automatic image analysis system was acquired, 
any a MDAS from Bendix Corp. Installation is scheduled for October 1978. This 
og] system is equipped with maximum likelihood classification hardware, aug 
menting significantly the computational power to perform crop survey type 
‚000,000 is of work. : 
2.2.2 - Research Programs 
ges have 
An important objective of INPE in the remote sensing area is 
the development of new methodologies for the survey of natural resources 
and observation of the environment. This work is developed by the Remote 
Sensing Department. The research programs are shown in table 4.

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