Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

mental voyage. The results of this successful voyage and the 
assembled data will be used as a basis for building container 
ships and other freighters of the reinforced ice-breaker class, 
and a new generation of more powerful ice-breakers. It is also 
mentioned that new routes from the Barents Sea to the Chukotka 
Peninsula and the Pacific Ocean through higher latitudes will be 
opened, about 1,000 nautical miles shorter than the usual route 
along the country's Arctic coast. 
In accordance with a speedy decision of the Soviet Authorities 
the nuclear-powered ice-breaker SIBIR', a sistership of the ARKTIKA 
started a new Ice Experiment already in May 1978, leaving Murmansk 
on May 26 for a planned route north of Novaya Zemlya, crossing the 
ice-covered Kara Sea, breaking through the heavy ice masses in 
Proliv Borisa Vilkitskogo, alternatively rounding Severnaya Zemlya, 
crossing the Laptev Sea, passing north of the New Siberian Islands, 
and via the Proliv Longa to the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Strait. 
On this route she is assisting an ice-strengthened ship, KAPITAN 
MYSJEVSKIY, with cargo for Magadan. SIBIR' herself has aboard a 
load of fuel and equipment for the Sovietic drifting Ice-island 
Station North Pole 24 ("SP-24"), which she will meet on her route 
back again westwards in higher latitudes (cp. Fig 11). 
In Pravda of May 31, 1978, p. 6, it is mentioned that this new 
Ice Experiment is carefully planned and prepared. Thus, on March 
31, 1978, a satellite of the COSMOS type was sent up, called 
"KOSMOS-1000", being especially intended for navigators. SIBIR' 
will be the first ice-breaker orientating her position by the aid 
of this satellite. 
Also a satellite of the METEOR-series will be used, giving infor- 
mation concerning cloudiness, snowfall and ice fields. According 
to the report of May 31, 1978, the SIBIR' has already got pictures 
of excellent quality from this satellite. By the aid of such 
pictures it will be possible to perform ice reconnaissance, 
essential for heavy transports. 

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