Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

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Experimental Results‘ 
In this paper a brief discussion will be given concerning 
the attained experimentel results, Full.datails will be given 
in the final rapport of the work. 
Figure 6a shows the obtained Fourier transfornate using the 
classical processor confiquration as shown in figure 2. Figure 
6b shows the resulting Fourier transformate using the modified 
optical configuration as proposed in this text. The benefits 
Of the modification ars clearly shown in this confrontatione 
Figures 6c to 6h show a series of equidensities anelyzed using 
Agfacontour Professional film. The original is nubered as Fig. 
6 and corresponds tc the Canary Islands archipelago. The bi- 
nomy time of exposure - amplitude of the equidensity band was 
calculated for each one of the equidensities, being the uncer- 
tainity given by the dot shoun in figure 6g. This uncertainity 
is due to the amplitude of the laser beam. 
Figures 7a, 7b, and 7c confront the original trensperency 
(7a) with the Fourier transformate (7b) and the contouring com- 
position (7c). The original corresponds to the aroa of St. Jor- 
ge's Bay. The analyzed part corresponds to the lower left cor- 
ner since the amplitude of the laser beam was restricted to this 
Figures Sa, 3b, and 8c confront the original transparency 
(Ca) with the Fourier transformate and the contouring composi- 
tion (6b and Sc respectively. The original corresponds to 
the Canary Islands archinelago and the analyzed area was res- 
tricted to tha upper left part of the original since it revealed 
a more interesting pattern of uaves. 
The scale appearing in the contours has been calculated 
taking account of the altitude of flight, the angle of vision 
of the camera ( or what is the same, ths scale of the trans- 
parencies) and the enhancement when doing the photographical 

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