Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

A phctzgraph of the sea surface ia a valucble representa- 
tion of the surface under fairly common conditions. The holo- 
graphic method can be easily applied to obtain the sea power 
spectrum being the main limitations imposed by the flight alti- 
tude and the field cf vieu of the camera for the maximum obser- 
vable wavelength and by the resolution for the minimum. The 
method is best applicable under clear sky conditions znd smooth 
sea state, for otherwise datz processing may bec me a large and 
tedious work, not always uorthuhile if the imagery selection has 
not been careful. The limitations imposed by the optical pro- 
cessor are shown to be partially eliminated following our con- 
figuration uhich is easy to align, very simple,and permits the 
experimenter to control the scale of the Fourier transform. Fur 
thermore, it is uell suited for small laboratories that do not 
dispose of 2 relevant number of facilities. An cther yay to 
improve the patterns appearing on: the Fourier transform plane 
consists in reducing the scale of the photography. This, as 
stated before, is felt to be not desirable but carefully done 
it ameliorates the system if the originally resulting transfor- 
mate is too concentrated. It is sometimes noticed, however,that 
the Fraunhofer pattern for large wave numbers is not symmetrical 
due to aberrations in the lens or to small avoidable errors in 
‘the adjustment of the optical processor. The use of imagery that 
has not been taken considering the possibility of obtaining direc 
tional prcperties of sea surface waves is a limitation but not a 
hindrance in their use. Moreover one picture may serve to gain 
a valuable assessment of sea state conditions at a particular 
time, becoming a helpful tool when evaluating other remotely 
sensed data. The use of the photochemical equidensity method for 
analyzing the Fourier transformates is shoun to be convenient for 
the interpretation and evaluation of the results. When assigning 
colors to each tonality of grey, not more than eight colors 
should.be used. This work is a preliminary rapport on.the anal- 
ysis of the collected imagery of the oceanographic missions 
NAUCA 77 and DELTA 77 and will be continued including an analysis 
of the spectral differences of the directional wave spectrum and 
the applicability of the coherent equidensitometry method. 
The authors wish to thank Prof. Dr. A. Ballester and Prof. 
Vallmit jana for their many fruitful discussions and encourage- 
ment; J. Biosca for the photographic work and assessment; R. Sian 
co for providing the Vivitar lens; INTA-CONIE for providing the 
transparencies and make this work possible. 
El tratamiento óptico de imágenes aéreas mediante luz cohe- 
rente permite obtener el espectro oidimensional de Fourier de la 
densidad óptica de la transparencia usada. El análisis de la 

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