cainers at
but it does
- 1297 -
Hence substituting equations 5a, 3b into equetion 1:
1 2 2,1 ao
Ta” le T sal m Ta sol
Ta 5 ----------- Vu +0 --------------- (4)
8 M. sel Mor ir
sal sal sal sal
one obtains a linear equation (e equation 4) relatino tomperature
as measured by the Barnes rediometer, and digitized output in
terms of known constents (Tg pul
In our case equation 4 takes the form
= 17 - / (o
Tg = 11.426 Va. - 14.25 ( C) (5)
To obtain temperatures capables 9 comparison to a blacktody
(T b?* various authors (8), (9), :( 14), 01 5),(16) propose the
first order correction:
Ton * Ig * A corr ac - L6)
where À -ort is the instrument's correction.
8) Correction for ambient temperaturs
The ambient tempereture affects the exactitude of the mea-
sured temperztures since the cavity temperature is slightly in-
fluenced by amb£ie-t temperatures on the sther hand, a fraction
of the energy reaching the detactor is due to the thernai emis-
sion generated in the vicinity of tha sensor,
error 4 The magnitude o? this error nay be estimated by
calibratiËn (17): The reference temperature is in first orcer
the product of the emission coefficient of the chuoner (€
by its temperature added to the product of its reiílection
coefficient (r=1 -€ Dy the cavity temserature AG ). Thus:
T eof = Ech Te *a(i. s ecu? Tc (7)
since T_ is constant the increment between two temperatures
wiil be!
A ref 5 fen 81 = f oh (T ral 1)
am ca
Tan = ambient temperature when measure takes place
Cal? ambient temperature when calibration takes place.
From this it results that the radiation temperature measur-
ed at an altitude z, T,(z), is given by
TS = Tho * Fe Ell, “iT oy) (9)
m cal
which results in
_ - \
7.(z) = Ta *Acorr + 0.1 (T n T al) (10)