Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

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reflection of the water surface: 
ToTg (z) =A, + Ag zT +18) EA. (17) 
where A _ is the compensating S eom für the intervening atmosphe 
ric peth"andA. corrects the error of refloction. The estimat- 
ion of this error depan s primarely on cloudiness and sea state, 
and its magnitude has to be determined each time flights are 
done, since its meteorological dependence makes it to vary. 
From the different proposed methods to evaluate this factor 
the formule given by FUCHS and TANKER (21) seems us to be the 
best eventhogh SAUIDERS (4) reports a simple experimental pro- 
cedure to consider this A. jointly withA. ; namely this euthor 
stated that the atmospheric+reflection Conr ient of water sur- 
face is twice thz calculated value under an angle of G2 when 
measuring at 602 from nadir, 
In our work however, we include the term À only for orien- 
tative purposes, since our assumption of unity valued emissivi- 
ty uhen calculeting 4 a implies that A, zü in our case. 
E)Interface correction 
Decause uater is essentially opaque in the infrazed, the 
enargy emitted comes from a thin surface layer less than 1mm 
thick. Early works "(3 shoued this surface leyer to be at a 
diPferent temperature from thet at 15 cm Geeper in the water 
column. ‚This difference was later quantified (22) using dimensio 
nal analysis. The value for this skin-bulk temperature differen 
ce was a:tablished to be: o 
p? ocIm———- (18) 
k (*-7e. 
uhere v is tho kinemstic viscosity, k the thermal conductivity of 
sea uater,(tw/Qw the kinematic stress, and q applies for the 
sum of sensible, latent and long wave radiative heat flux from 
the ocean; J is a constant of proporcianality. 
F)Global correction 
After the theoretical considerations we have derived it 
follows inmediately tnat the global correction formula is: 
— , 
T|57g *Agorr * Aan * Aa "AP, + By (19) 
Pre * hy 
-------- > YsCz) 
a eene enne nace T5(o) 
aem M ne o Du ee e———— e 99 m € n — € M lo 
--------.---------------.-..-.----- --- Ww 

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