Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

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uhere: - Barnes PRT-5 measured temperature 
Tg + A Orr z Tob = blackbody temperature 
Top "A am? T (2) = radiation temperature at z meters 
T (z) + oA. = T_(0) = radiation temperature at sea sur- 
S a 8 face 
T. (0) «A p = T, = skin temperature (i.e. that of the 
8 upper water boundary layer from which 
emerging infrared radiation is mea- 
; sured) 
To + A; = T = water bulk temperature (i.e. that mea- 
sured in situ by conventional methods.) 
Experimental Results 
A) Data collection 
To test tha suitability of the procedure data uere taken 
from the oceanographic mission OELTA 77, which took place during 
July 1977. The mission had as main goal the microstructural 
study of coastal water characteristics in the region of the Ebro 
delta and St, Jorge's bay. The area is schematically represent- 
ed in figure § The oceanographic parameters of interest were 
measured by an in situ oerating marine unit on a continous way, 
thus allowing a comparison with remctely sensed data. The marine 
unit operated simultaneously to the overflights of a CASA 212 
aircraft from the cartographic service of the Ministery of Air. 
B) Intervening factors: Evaluation of errors - 
A data set corresponding to one day of observations has 
been used to test the suitability of the global correction under 
the above mentioned assumptions. The correcting factors uere 
found to have the following mean values: 
À corr = + 0 80 
À a = ” 0,33 ; 
Ar = 0 (for emissivity was assumed to be unity) 
A am = = 0.20 
^i = =~ 0,52 
All this values are given in degrees centigrade. From the above. 
corrections it results that T. is related to T, and that the 
relation is lineal and that tlle final factor i8 -0,258C.  Never- 
theless, the calculatad water bulk temperature appears, in the 
average, to be 0.29C greater then the ground measured temperature.

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