Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

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Without doubt, the Amazonian field work was a stage of 
Project RADAMBRASIL most arduous to fulfill, and, considering the realities 
of the region, was usually extremely inhospitable. A measure of this 
adversity is in the number of mortalities by disease and other accidents 
which totalled more than twenty. With respect to costs, the radarmetric 
MOST VT the entire national territory came to approximately US $ 3.50/ 
calculate, owing to a lack of information of costs associated with field 
The total costs per km? of areas already inventoried is difficult to 
missions which had considerable support from the Brazilian Air Force.Those 
estimates made are in the area of US$ 15.00 /km? . It must be taken into 
account that the Amazon field work was extremely expensive which would not 
be the case for the rest of the country. 
Inumerous immediate results were obtained in the Amazon by 
RADAMBRASIL. Some relevant examples of newly discovered mineral resources 
include: a manganese deposit in Rondonia estimated to contain 500,000 tons 
of mineral ore; gold deposits in Tapajos River region and in the Amapa 
Territory, phospate in the south of Para State; cassiterite at various 
locations and various volcanic structures rich in rare minerals. From the 
point of view of geomorphology, a new map of Amazonia has been completed 
which reveals that flat land surfaces are a fifth the extent of which 
they were previously attributed. It was verified that hydroelectric 
potential in the Amazon is much greater than it was considered to be up to 
now. With respect to soils, various areas (generally fluvial) bearing 
extremely fertile soil deposits were discovered. 
Project RADAMBRASIL, without question, is a decisive step 
to augment, by degree, the knowledge of the country's natural resources, 
and, in principal part, the Amazon region which was largely unknown. What 
was undertaken, was one of the largest projects ever executed to systemati 
cally map natural resources over a considerable terrestrial area of the 
globe. An important aspect of Project RADAMBRASIL is that it must be 
considered an inventory at cursory level, aimed primarily as a point of 
departure from the extropective view to inventories with considerably 
more details. 

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