Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

1 the 
Table 1 
Road |Horiz.|Slope|Parallax|Parallax | Stereosc.| Elevat,|Photo|Accum, 
point|dist. % differ. |reading parallax H scale|Field 
nr. d dP (mm) (mm) i à : |Dist. 
(mm) (mm) (m) (m) 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
1 17.95 91.20 1031 9587 0 
14 + 8 |+ 0.69 
2 18 . 64 91.89 1042 |9515 134 
7 = 3 |- 0.15 
3 18.49 91.74 1039 9533 201 
21 - 8 |- 0.54 
4 17.95 91.20 1051 9587 306 
14 + 8 |+ 0.69 
18.64 91.89 1042 9515 440 
7 - 6 |- 0.26 
6 18.38 91.65 1038 [9542 507 
10 - 4 |- 0.25 
7 18.13 91.38 1034 |9568 603 
8 + 8 |+ 0.39 
8 18.52 91.77 1040 9527 679 
5 + 5 | + 0,15 
9 18.67 91.92 1042 19515 727 
10 -6|- 0,37 
10 18.30 91.55 1036 9550 822 
13 + 8 [+ 0,64 
11 18.94 92.19 1046 |9484 946 
10 -5|- 0.31 
12 18.63 91.88 1042 |9515 | 1041 
Normally the photo scale is not calculated for every road point, 
since the differences are small over these short distances. 
One should be aware of certain changes in the recordings when the 
road runs off the stereo model. For the continuation of the road 
on an adjacent model one has to change the aerial photographs. 
It is recommended to transfer the last 2 or 5 road points from the 
first stereo model to the new one. As a consequence these pointswill 
have other values for the stereoscopic parallax, while also the photo 
scale may differ in the new photo pair. 
The profile of the traverse 
For the stereo model of each pair of rectified photographs there 
exists the relationship of the constant product of flying height 
above a terrestrial point and the stereoscopic parallax of that 
point measured in the stereo model. 
Z2. + P, eK or (2, -H.). P.zk (5) 
i i o i i 
Z. - the flying height above terrestrial point i (m), 
pl - the stereoscopic parallax of point i in the stereo model (mm), 
K* - the value of the constant product in the stereo model (xz.mm), 
72. & the flying height above the reference level (m), 
u - 
elevation of point i in the terrain (m.a.s.l.)

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