Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

Pryor, W., 1960 
Remeijn, J.M., 1969 
Rowan, A. 1976 
Samset, I., 1967 
Singh, K., 1976 
Stellingwerf, D.A., 1966 
Waelti, H., 
The role of aerial surveys in highway 
ISP-congress, London, 1960 
Road planning. 
Exercise notes, ITC, Delft 
Forest road planning, Booklet 43, 
Forestry Commission, London. 
Terrain classification of forest areas 
in the Greek mountains. 
University of Vollebek, Norway 
Note on accessibility studies in forest 
resource survey. FAO, Rome. 
Measurements on slopes. Exercise notes, 
Irc, Delft. 
Forest road planning. 
Photogrammetric Engineering 3 - 36 (70) 
246 - 252 
J.M. Remei jn 
May 31, 1978

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