Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

most advantageous from the economic viewpoint, for the production of the 
orthophotomap since can be used photograms with scale 1/30.000 approxi- 
matively, which enable to cover large areas in a rather limited number. 
1) Amadesi E., Vianello G. et A., 1977 - Guide to a slope stability map. 
36th Photogrammetric Week, Stuttgart 1977; Regione Emilia-Romagna, Col- 
lana di Orientamenti geomorfologici ed agronomico-forestali, MB T6, Pi- 
tagora Editrice, Bologna. 
2) Blachut T.J., Van Wijk M.C., 1976 - Results of the International Or- 
thophoto Experiment 1972 - 1976. National Research Council of Canada, 
Photogrammetric Engineering, v. 42, n. 12, December 1976. 
3) Blachut T.J., 1976 - The stereo-orthophoto technique in cadastral and 
general mapping. National Research Council of Canada, Photogrammetric 
Engineering, v. 42, n. 12, December 1976. 
4) Marckwardt W., 1976 - The production of stereorthophoto with the Topo- 
cart-Orthophot C Instrument System. XIII Congress of ISP, II Commis- 
sion, Helsinky. 
April 1978. 

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