Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

The input photo coordinates of all control points (ground control points 
identified on aerial photographs and photo control points) will be measured by the 
ZEISS-Oberkochen monocomparator PK-1. The WILD PUG 4 Point Transfer Device 
was selected for stereo-transfer of control points between overlapping aerial 
photographs and for permanent marking of their locations in the film emulsion. 
The orthophotographs will be printed at 1 : 50,000 scale (1 : 25,000 in Java, 
Madura and Bali), that is, at approx. twice the scale of aerial photography and 
mosaicked to 15 minutes x 15 minutes map sheets. These will be overprinted with 
enhanced planimetric data (cultural features and hydrography), annotation 
(geographic names, spot heights and cartographic symbols), map frame with 
indicated U.T.M. coordinate grid, geographic coordinate grid, legend and with the 
optional contours. 
2.2. Compilation of Resource Data 
Resource overlays will be compiled at the mapping scale of 1 : 50,000 at 
specialized resource agencies. The main input for interpretation of resource data will 
be color-IR (false color) aerial photographs at 1 : 80,000 scale which will be 
recorded simultaneously with panchromatic photographs at 1 : 100,000 scale (see 
3.2). In densely populated Java, Madura and Bali, the mapping scale will be 1 : 
25,000, the scale of color-IR aerial photographs 1 : 30,000 and panchromatic 
photographs 1 : 60,000. The color-IR coverage will not be continuous. Although it 
will have 66% overlap assuring stereo-observation, there will be 20% sidegaps 
between the flight lines. Interpretation of resource data in these gaps will be done 
from panchromatic photographs at 1 : 100,000 (1 : 50,000) scale. This was a 
compromise solution, to obtain the color-IR photography at 1 : 60,000 (1 : 30,000) 
scale simultaneously with the panchromatic coverage at 1 : 100,000 (1 : 50,000) 
scale, without changing the flight plan and without gross increase of the air-photo 
Resource data interpreted from aerial photographs will be complemented by 
data from supplementary and existing surveys and inventorles, to provide the most 
complete record, at 1 : 50,000 (1 : 25,000) mapping scale, on forests, agriculture, 
soils, geology and land use/land capability. Results will be plotted on 
orthophotographs at the mapping scale, completed with annotation and sent to the 
Central Resource Mapping Laboratories of BAKOSURTANAL for cartographic 
compilation and printing of resource maps and for entering these data into the 
National Environmental Geographic Information System. 
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