Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

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From a flight altitude of 9,000m above terrain, the first camera will yield 
black-and-white photographs at approximately 1 : 100,000 scale, while the second 
camera will simultaneously yield color-IR photographs at approximately 1 : 60,000 
scale. For densely populated Java, Madura and Bali, the flight altitude will be 
4,500m above terrain, yielding 1 : 50,000 scale for black-and-white photographs and 
1 : 30,000 scale for the color-IR ones. 
Advantages of using a dual-camera system for aerial surveys of natural resources 
are obvious and manifold. The black-and-white photographs, recorded by the 
super-wide angle lens at 1 : 100,000 (1 : 50,000) scale on a panchromatic film, will 
be used for production of orthophoto base map at 1 : 50,000 (1 : 25,000) scale. 
Thus the orthophotographs will be printed at approximately two-times enlargement 
from the original aerial photography. 
Furthermore, they will be printed as double-models, that is from the full area of 
aerial photograph. The small photo scale enables faster and cheaper photographic 
coverage of the area. It requires less ground control data, which means less of 
expensive field work, and also reduces amount of aerial triangulation and block 
adjustment. Even more importantly, the small photo scale combined with 
double-model orthophoto printing, reduces the number of orthophotographs needed 
for compilation of each map sheet. Hence, it not only reduces volume of tedious 
and time consuming orthophoto mosaicking, but also improves the display 
(pictorial) quality of orthophoto map. 
Availability of larger scale, color-IR aerial photographs recorded sim:iltaneously 
with the panchromatic coverage, will greatly increase the amount of interpretable 
resource data and accuracy of their delineation. 
This is particularly important, considering that quality of resource data, overprinted 
on the orthophoto base map and stored in the National Environmental Geographic 
Information System will determine their usefulness and applicability . Revision of 
resource data stored in NEGIS will be continual, while revisions of resource maps 
will have to wait for their new editions. 
Revised transparent thematic overlays may be printed as an interim solution if there 
will be sufficient demand. 
Transfer of resource data, interpreted and delineated on color-IR imagery, to 
the black-and-white orthophotographs is simple and accurate because of the 
similarity between both images recorded at the same time. They display abundance 
of reference points even in areas with little or no cartographic features recorded on 
conventional topographic (line) maps.

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