Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

The 80% overlap of panchromatic coverage, which is becoming standard ih 
aerial photography for the purpose of orthophoto mapping, yields approximately - 
65% overlap for the larger scale color-IR photography. This difference in overlap is 
caused by the difference in the field-of-view between the super-wide angle and the 
wide angle lenses. Similarly, the 30% sidelap of panchromatic coverage yields 20% 
sidegap in the color-IR coverage. Since the condition for approval of dual-camera 
system was that the flight plan for panchromatic coverage will not be changed, this 
was the lesser evil of two: either the color-IR larger scale photography with 20% 
sidegaps, or none at all. 
3.3 Medium and Large Scale Aerial Photography 
While the reconnaissance remote sensing yielding 1 : 250,000 map, and the 
small scale aerial photography yielding 1 : 50,000 (1 : 25,000) orthophoto map are 
planned as the national coverages, the medium and large scale aerial photography 
will be used in selected areas only. 
The medium scale coverage, at 1 : 10,000 to 1 : 30,000 scales, will be used for 
priority areas as, for example, the potential transmigration sites, areas designated for 
large irrigation projects, critical areas threatened by natural hazards, etc. 
The large scale aerial photography, at scales larger than 1 : 10,000, within the 
framework of this Project will be used by the resource agencies in lieu of field 
sampling, to provide the "ground truth‘ data for interpretation of small scale aerial 
photographs, satellite and SLAR imagery and for accuracy evaluation of resource 
The importance of this Project for faster development of Indonesia can hardly 
be overestimated. Ît represents the most progressive approach to complex task of 
integrated resource mapping undertaken any where at such a scale. 
In addition to Indonesian funding and the bilateral Australian assistance, the 
estimated total cost of US$60 million is partially financed with loans from the 
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) and from the 
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). 
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