Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

Pranoto Asmoro, 1978b: “The Application of Remote Sensing in Support of the 
National Program for the Inventory and Evaluation of the Country's 
Natural Resources". Country Report. Twelfth International Symposium 
on Remote Sensing of Environment. 9pp. Manila, Philippines. April 20 - 
26, 1978. 
Brandenberger, A.J.,1976: “Study on the Status of World Cartography". Invited Paper, 
First United Nations Regional Cartographie Conference for the Americas. 
5Opp. Panama, Panama. March 8 - 19, 1976. 
Doyle, FJ., 1978: " A Large Foriiat Camera for the Space Shuttle". Invited Paper, 
International Symposium on Remote Sensing for Observation and 
Inventory of Earth Resources and the Endangered Environment. Freiburg, 
Federal Republic of Germany. July 2 - 8, 1978. 
Kalensky,Z.D., Kardono Darmoyuwono & RaisJ., 1977: “Some Aspects of 
Landsat Ground Receiving Stations for Developing Countries". Presented 
Paper, UN-ESCAP intergovernmental Meeting on Remote Sensing and 
Satellite Surveying. 22pp. Bangkok, Thailand. June 7 - 13, 1977. 
Kalensky,ZD., Kardono Darmoyuwono, Potts’T.F. & Michino,T., 1978: 
“Thematic Map of Lombok island from Landsat Computer Compatible 
Tapes. Presented Paper, Twelfth International Symposium o:: Remote 
Sensing of Environment. 17pp. Manila, Philippines. April 20 - 26, 1978. 
Koneeny, G. & Schroeder, M., 1978: “The Metric Camera Mission on Spacelab 1". 
Invited Paper, International Symposium on Remote Sensing for 
Observation and Inventory of Earth Resources and the Endangered 
Environment. Freiburg, Federal Republic of Germany. July 2 - 8, 1978. 
Rais, J, 1978 © “Terms of Reference. Doppler Satellite Positioning for the 
Demarcation of the International Boundary between Indonesia 
(Kalimantan) and Malaysia (Sabah - Sarawak)“. Invited Paper, Eighth 
Meeting of the Joint Indonesia - Malaysia Boundary Technical Committee. 
13pp. Ujung Pandang, Indonesia. May 27 - 30, 1978. 

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