Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

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The most important result of the geological phase of the study was the 
discovery of an area of hydrothermal alteration located some 25 kms. to 
the northeast of the El Teniente Copper mine. The area has been examined 
on a number of occasions using panchromatic photography yet there is no 
evidence that this discovery was made previously. This anomaly is 
characterized by a small stock of intrusives which present similar 
chacacteristics to existing copper deposits (3). 
The first indication of this phenomenon was found on color 1:50.000 scale 
color photography which was later confirmed on the color infrared and 
then again in the field. 
In the costal areas using color infrared photography it was possible to 
clearly identify two types of sand of distinct mineral composition (4). 
This was not identified in the color photo. 
Continental fresh water losses were identified with thermal imagery first 
and confirmed with color photography later. These losses are very important 
for ground water prospection. 
It was surprising to see the pollution produced to the ocean by the Maipo 
River and its influence to the San Antonio Bay (4). 
The color photography clearly identifies the problem and predicts a future 
upraising of the bay bottom, making difficult the navigation of large ships. 
The color - IR photography clearly oblianiates the boundaries of different 
suspended sediments concentration(5). 
Agriculture (6) 
Besides the traditional results obtained with this kind of imagery, the 
use of color IR photography at 1:20.000 and 1:10.000 scales, as a mean of 
detecting loss of strength was determined for vineyards, apricot trees 
and small plants. This identification is possible before it could even be 
visually seen. 
Marine Studies 
From the imageryenalysis it was concluded that color photography is the best 
for bathymetry and coast line determination, even on beaches (75. Chile 
exports some US$ 7.000.000 of sea weed per year and is very interested on its 
prospection and preservation (8). 
Surface sea weed beds were clearly identified and classified according to its 
species with color IR photography, covering large areas in short time. Lower 
sea weeds are better seen with normal color photography (7). Periodical 
color IR and normal color flights could monitor the sea weed resources. 
All results of this multidisciplinary project were presented at the First 
International Symposium on Remote Sensing, held in Santiago from 6 to 12 
June of this year. Only the most significant results of this project have 
been pres 
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