Full text: Advances in the quality of image data

Report on the Activities of Working Group 1/2 
"Camera Calibration and Effects of the Environment” 
H. Ziemann 
Photogrammetric Research 
National Research Council 
Ottawa, Ontario, KIA OR6 
C.L. Norton 
Hill, Utah 84056 
The terms of reference, the intended work of the working group and the work carried out between 
September 1980 and February 1982 are reviewed. 
The present working group 1/2 was formed after the Hamburg congress by combining the former two 
working group 1/2 (Image Geometry with Camera Calibration) and I/3 (Image Properties with Environmental 
Factors). After several letters between Prof. Dr. Trinder, the president of Commision I, and the 
authors, the following terms of reference were arrived at: 
(1) To further investigate and compare methods of camera calibration to determine interior 
orientation parameters for radially symmetrical and decentering distortion. 
(2) To further the studies of stability of elements of inner orientation, and the environmental 
conditions which affect the position of elements of inner orientation, image position and 
image quality. 
(3) To determine methods of correcting geometric changes in image position introduced by changes 
in environmental conditions. 
(4) To compare camera calibration and bundle adjustment with self-calibration with a view to 
deriving parameters for self-calibration from standardized calibration tests. 
(5) To work towards standardization of the various elements defining the geometrical-optical 
performance of photogrammetric lenses. 
Following closely these terms, we decided to organize five projects and suggested these in a first 
circular letter in March 1981-to former members of the two former working groups and some additional 
persons. Only a few responses were received; none of these suggested significant additions to the 
proposed program, nor a willingness to assume an active role in any of the projects. Therefore, the ncn 
working group operates with a core of only a few persons.and a large number of interested observers. -_ 
This set-up has resulted in a somewhat slower than expected progress but-has not prevented the five- ——— 
projects which will in the following be presented in more detail, from being carried out. Each project... 
will be introduced in its description of March 1981 which will be followed by a review of the work - TUNER Dee 
actually carried out. ; 
"It is expected that this project will be completed within 1981. The programs desired for 
processing the accumulated data - some has still not been made available to NRC - will be ready soon. 
It is intended to make the final report available to all project participants prior to publication to 
permit review, suggestions or criticism either for inclusion into the final report or as paper 
accompanying the publication of the final report. This report and your statements related to it should 
provide a base for interesting discussions during the planned session (symposium) in Denver and during 
the symposium in Canberra.” 
A lengthy report /Ziemann 1981/ introducing the intended goals of the project, describing the than 
current situation in regard to the input data, detailing the mathematical model developed for the 
reprocessing of all the different input data made available by project participants, and indicating the 
process chosen for the reduction of the normal equations was prepared in the spring of 1981 for the 
German Research Foundation. This report has been extended in the past weeks by sections presenting 
data on the accuracy of image coordinate measurement and refinement, and radial lens distortion data; 
it will be resubmitted to the German Research Foundation shortly /Ziemann 1982 c/. The part of the 
report describing the mathematical model was presented separately as paper during the meeting in Denver 
/Ziemann 1982 a/. An extended abstract of the recent report to the German Research Foundation is 
included into these proceedings /Ziemann 1982 b/. 
The derived model for the presentation of lens distortion data has not been finalized. An 
extensive investigation was carried out in regard to the definition of average radial lens distortion 
data with odd-power polynomials based on all lens distortion reference curves ever included into the 
Canadian Specification for Aerial Survey Photography. The results are presented elsewhere ín these 
proceedings /Ziemann and El-Hakim 1982 a/. A report dealing with the behaviour of polynomials between 
given data points is in preparation; the data are already available. 

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