Ziemann, H., 1981. Comparison of Camera Calibration Procedures. Report to the German Research
Foundation, June 1981.
Ziemann, H., 1982 a. A Mathematical Model for the Comparison of Camera Calibration Procedures.
Proceedings of the ASP Annual Meeting Denver 1982: 164-177.
Ziemann, H., 1982 b. Comparison of Camera Calibration Procedures - À Project Update. These
proceedings: 114-116
Ziemann, H., 1982 c. Comparison of Camera Calibration Procedures. Report to the German Research
Foundation, May 1982.
Ziemann, H. and S.F. El-Hakim, 1982 a. On the definition of lens distortion reference data by odd-
power polynomials. These proceedings: 123-130
Ziemann, H. and S.F. El-Hakim, 1982 b. System calibration versus self-calibration. These
proceedings: 117-122