Full text: Advances in the quality of image data

Hans-Peter BHhr 
Jose Bittencourt de Andrade 
Mary Angélica de Azevedo Olivas 
Curso de Pos—Graduacao em Ciencias Geodésicas 
‘Universidade Federal do Parana 
Caixa Postal 1611 - Centro Politecnico 
The use of "non-metric" camera type may offer great flexibility but affords careful calibration 
and continuous control. Considering the photogrammetric measurement of hydraulic models in Curitiba, 
camera calibration was done by a field of vertical target points, using convergent photography, 
according to the Analytical Self-Calibration Method. 
Image quality was tested by bar targets including microdensitometer measurement analysis for 
MIF determination under different conditions. 
0 uso de cameras "náo-métricas" pode oferecer uma grande flexibilidade, mas exige calibragao e 
controle contínuo. Considerando as medidas fotogrametricas de modelos hidraulicos em Curitiba, a ca- 
libragao foi executada através de um campo de alvos verticais, usando fotografia convergente, cor- 
respondente ao método auto-calibragao analítica. 
A qualidade das imagens foi testada por meio de barras,incluindo analise de medidas com micro- 
densitometro, para determinar a fungào de transferencia de modulaçäo sob diferentes condigoes. 
Die Nutzung "nicht-photogrammetrischer" Kameras bietet hHufig hohe FlexibilitHt, erfordert 
aber sorgfHltige Kalibrierung und dauernde Kontrolle. Im Hinblick auf die photogrammetrische 
Vermessung hydraulischer Modelle in Curitiba wurde die Kamerakalibrierung llber ein vertikales 
runktefeld vorgenomren mit konvergenter Aufnab meanordnung, entsprechend dem Prinzip der 
Die BildqualitHtkontrolle erfolgte mit Balkentests einschlieBlich der Auswertung von 
Mikrodensitometermessungen zur Bestimmung der Modulationslbertragungsfunktion unter 
verschiedenen Bedingungen. 
1. Background and Objectives : 
The presented work was carried out on the background of an international collaboration on 
governmental level between Brazil-and. The Federal Republic of Germany *. This collaboration has in 
view the establishment of a Doctorate Course in Geodesy and Photogrammetry at the Federal University... 
of Farana in Curitiba/Brazil, where a Master Course is offered since 1971. 
A Doctorate Course requires solid research programs, oriented towards the needs of the country. 
In Curitiba, one photogrammetric project deals with the control of hydrologic models of huge dams. 
The models are under examination at the Hydraulic Institute of the Federal University of Parana in 
Research equipment for universities have to allow flexibility due to quickly changing research 
subjects. This is of particular importance for universities of "Third-World-Countries" like Brazil, 
where long-term ^ investiment budget for research will be relatively low. Consequently, in Curitiba 
a combination of Medium-Scale Reseau Camera with interchangeable lenses (ROLLEI-SLX) and Analytical 
Stereoplotter (ZEISS-PLANICOMP) was selected to meet the various needs of Close-Range Photogrammetry 
applied to engineering projects. 
The subject of the presented paper is the determination of the camera parameters, like interior 
orientation and resolution. These areas are of traditional interest in Curitiba (see D. BLITZKOW, 
1973 and J. BITTEHCOURT DE ANDRADE, 1981). A test field for operational Aerial Camera Calibration is 
available. The corresponding computer programs had to be modified in order to allow Close-Range 
Reseau Camera Calibration. 
2. The Camera 
The ROLLEI-SLX is a commercial camera manufactured by ROLLEI Braunschweig/FRG. Main components are: 
* 6cm by 6cm format, using commercial non-perforated roll film. 
* Interchangeable lenses available from 40mm to 350mm. 
* Mirror reflex vieving system. 
* Fully automatic exposure control (Shutter speed to preset). 
* Acessories: Remote release and unit for multiple exposure. 
The ROLLEI-SLX was first used for photogrammetric applications by WESTER-EBBINGHAUS (Bonn 
University), who suggested incorporation of a reseau plate, which is produced by HEIDENHAIN 
/FRG and mounted by ROLLEI. The reseau, which does not affect the camera's functions, consists of 121 
crosses of 5mm distance and provides control of the interior orientation parameters. Because of 
Project "Geodesy Curitiba", German Society for Technical Collaboration (GTZ) 77.2517.9-09.200. 

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