Shunji Murai, Tsutomu Okuda
Institute of Industrial Science
University of Tokyo
7-22, Roppongi, Minatoku, Tokyo, Japan
Toshio Koizumi, Toshikazu Enomoto
‘Department of Civil Engineering
Chiba Technical College
2-17, Tsudanuma, Chiba, Japan
The objective of the study is to develop a kite
balloon-borne camera system which can be applied
to small area survey by any amateur. A gyro
subsystem and a strobo shutter subsystem of radio
control were developed to permit vertical photo-
graphy as well as oblique photography up to
fifteen degree of looking angle.
Test study was carried out at the Tokyo Bay
Area for non-metric camera photogrammetry and
temporal monitoring of coastal environment. From
the result of the test study, stereo black and
which films and color films could be obtained up
to the altitude of 500 - 900 meters in good
quality. Inner orientation parameters were ana-
lytically determined by using three dimensionally
located control points.
Three dimensional measurements of. the objects
were done in the test study...
A kite balloon borne camera system was
developed for the purpose of B&W or color aerial
photography for the small area 500m x 500m to
1 km x 1 km.
A kite balloon borne camera system is composed
of the following elements as shown in Fig. l.
. Balloon ; 7 m , helium gas
Strings ; 2 rolls, 1,000 meters each.
. Camera ; 35 mm, wide angle, f-28 mm
. Radio control ; shutter and strobo flush
. Gyro ; look angle control, + 15 degree
Total payload ; 3.0 KG
Fig. 2 shows the examples of photographs which
were taken from a kite balloon platform.
The operation is easily carried out as follows:
1) Fill helium gas into the balloon.
2) Install a camera box with a camera, radio
receiver and gyro in consideration with the
balance of balloon attitude.
3) Fly the balloon by loosing two strings careful-
4) Stop loosing the strings and measure the length
of strings and the elevation angle.
Calculate the position of balloon.
5) Push radion control shutter and identify the
signal of strobo flush.
6) Move by walk to other position in the case of
stereo photography.
A wide angle 35 mm camera was borne in a kite
balloon platform. In the application to photo-
grammetry and remote sensing, the geometric
characteristics such as focal length, shift of
principal points, lens distortion and film flat-
ness should be calibrated.
Analytical calibration was done for the
Olimpus OM-1 by using the three dimensionally
allocated control points as shown in Fig. 3 in
cooperation with the Geographic Survey Institute.
41 control points with the accuracy of 1l mm .......
were established in the experimental hall. Five - —
films were taken at about 1.2 meters's space from
8 meters altitude of gondola, as shown in Fig. 4.
Single photograph orientation with those
unknown variables for not only the exterior
orientation parameters but also inner orientation
paramerers was applied for five photographs.
x = 2108 -Xo) + a12(Ÿ -Yo) + a13(Z -Zo) 4 44
a31 (X -Xo) + a32(Y -Yo) + a33(Z -Zo)
a21(X.-Xo) + az2(Y -Yo) + a23(Z -Zo)
= +a
y au X) tau Yo) + ass(Z -Zo) ^
Ax = xo - x ( kır? + ker* )
- ( PIX + P2aÿ + psxy + pay”)
Ay = yo - y C kir? 9 kor* ) - ( psxy * pex?)
r = x? + y? , x = x - xo » Ÿ = Y - Vo
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