—— Camera
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Fig. 5 Carl Zeiss Jena MRB 15/2323
The camera is viewed from the back, or a contract positive with the emulsion up. The data strip is
to the left with the platen identification located near the bottom midside fiducial. For this
orientation the film transport is from right to left. The frame sequence number/calibrated focal
length panel located in one corner of the format allows for positive orientation identification. In
the interest of simplicity only the end crosses are shown of the format glass scales.
Section 2 (Calibration) of the "Recommended Procedures..." has been reviewed and suggestions for
changes have been made. The discussion to the various subsections are based on experiences made by the
authors with their respective camera calibration facilities and procedures, and during their | ^
collaboration in the former Working Group on Image Geometry of Commission I of the International
Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
The present paper is understood as a base for discussion of the present section and of changes
which appear necessary to update the section in order that it may reflect present procedures and
requirements. However, the changed section is to be so general that it can continue to serve as a
guide to all institutions carrying out camera calibrations without constraining these institutions in I
the choice of their particular solution. It is for this reason, that we have repeatedly chosen to M
present differing views. Our maîn aim is a standardization in the reporting of camera calibrations to
an extent which will make possible a direct comparison of results achieved with different procedures.
Carman, P.D., 1961: Recommended Procedures for Calibrating Photogrammetric Cameras and Related Optical
Tests. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol. X111, Part 4.
Carman, P.D. and H. Brown, 1978: The NRC Camera Calibrator. Photogrammetria, Vol. 34, No. 4:
147 — 165.
Meier, H.K., 1972: Film Flattening in Aerial Cameras. Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 4:
367 — 372.
Merchant, D.C., 1977:—Analysis- of-Aerial Photogrammetric Camera Calibrations. Geodetic Science Report
No. 264, Ohio State University, August 1977.
Tayman, W.P., 1978: Analytical Multicollimator Camera Calibration. Photogrammetria, Vol. 34, No. 5:
179 - 197.
Ziemann, H., 1978a: A Coordinate System for Aerial Frame Photogrammetry. Photogrammetric Engineering,
Vol. 44, No. 5: 597 - 599,
Ziemann, H., 1978b: Visual Calibration of Reseau Cameras. Photogrammetria, Vol. 34, No. 4:
119 - 132.