Table 1: Input Data
Calibration Date Availability Characteristics
Month/|1 2 3 4.5 6 718 9 10 11 12
No.| Procedure Year
1 | Lab/visual I 03/76 ln y à y y’ y n[12 12 12 23 d
2 IL 06/74 |n y 4d y y y y| 4 4 23 23 d
3 | Lab/phot (1 bank) I 03/774 | 9 ^y o y y y y] 2 2 19 19 c
4 11 ] 03/74 | y o0 y y y y]20 20 28 33 c
5 Ill 09/4 1 y^? oy y y y12 2 19 19 -c
6 IV {09774 ] y o-y y y y}20 20 28 33 €
7 V 10/76 ly y oO y y y y] 2 2 19 19 €
8 Vi | 10/76 1| y 9 o y y y y120 20 28 33 c
9 (multi-bank) 10/74 ]Tn y o0 y 3 y y] 3 3 37 3 €
10 (ACS) I 03/774 | 9 y o0 y y n njf 5 2 127 264 ¢g
11 I| ] 03/74 {y y o0 9 y n n15 2 123 266 g
12 111i 03/74 | y y © y y n n| 5 2 120 261 g
13 Stellar I 10/78 |n y © y n'y "yi 2 ] 2029 2178 s
14 1! {09/75 |n ÿŸ o n n y nl 2 1 96 ? 8
15 Testfield/vertical I 05/74 yy € y y y n113 13 59 111 t
16 i11]06/74 |? y c ) y n n]113 13 126 235 t
17 111 06/74 y nc n nn 'n, 13 13 1 ? t
18 Iv ] 09/74 1 y y € y y n n;13 13 124 241 t
19 | Testfield/vert. & oblique! 10/74 1| y n c n n n n/12 12 ? ? t
- Date in month/year gives date of first data record
— Availability (y-—-yes, n-—--no):
1 - availability of photographic record for measurement at NRC
2 - measurements carried out
3 - measurements carried out d-—--directly, o----from original photographic
record, c----from a copy of the original record
- availability of measurements at NRC
- availability of input data at NRC in computer-readable form
measurements processed by project contributor
- formal paper with results published by project contributor
SO Un Ss
— Characteristics of data:
8 - number of separate data sets
9 — maximum number of data sets in which the same point occurs
10 - average number of points/data set
11 - maximum number of points/data set
12 - realization of object-space points:
d directly measured directions
c collimators
g point array generated by two gratings
S stars: these move and are exposed several times for each data set
t targets placed on monumented points
interior orientations is carried out after formation of a full set of normal equations.
The image coordinates for calibration procedures nos. 4, 6, 8, 15, 16 and 18 have been corrected
for image deformation by means of a least squares interpolation procedure using up to 52 réseau points
located within a distance from the image point not exceeding 8 cm and correlation functions derived
from the réseau measurements. Experiments with sparse réseau data showed that the cross correlation
thus derived could result in nonsensical corrections, while the use of the cross correlation data in
addition to the correlation data for x and y réseau coordinates did not significantly change. As a
result it has been decided to disregard cross correlation data throughout (see also /Ziemann and El-
Hakim 1982b/).
These corrected image coordinates and those for calibration procedures nos. 1 and 2 (ideal réseau
coordinates) and procedure no. 9 (uncorrected coordinates) have been readied for further computation,
as have been the respective object-space data. Results are pending but at the time of writing not
yet in a form suitable for reporting; those will be included into /Ziemann 1982b/).
The project "Comparison of Camera Calibration Procedures" is continuing at a slow and irregular