2 2
dy =- b,y + bax + byxy - b,(2y? - 48?/3) * bg(x, - 282/3) + bg(x? - 2B?/3)y * byox(y^ - 2B^/3)
+ by, (x2 - 28/3) (y2 - 28%/3)
parameter set c proposed by El-Hakim and Faig:
ParameLe. 5°"
dx = ax + a,y + af
dy = — a;y + ax + of, where
A A 2 4 20082) + a;rlsin2) + agricosA + agrosin) + a r3cos3) + a r3sin3A
q = a3rcos + a,rsin\ + a,r agr' cos 7 8 s 9 10 11
r= x? + y? and À » arctan d»
Parameter set f proposed by Grün:
Pparaue ————
dx * a,y + a, xy + a4xy? + a,x?y + asy? + apx2y”
dy = b,y + byxy + baxy? + b,x?y + box? T box? y
Parameter set k proposed by Kólbl and modified by Juhl:
paramce-er re-——
dx = 84 3 (r? = r/x2) + a,x(sinf-1)2 + agg Sin(LT) + rle85 * X(agcosa * a;sina + agcos2a + agsin2a)
dy = a,x + apy * a3 Ur? - r/rà) * a,y(sin E + as X sin GEL + rle85 $(agcosa + a,sina + agcosa
where a = arctan X) + agsin2a),
r, = a given constant (radial distance, where radial distortion is wanted to be zero for the
second time)
Parameter set 1 proposed by Mauelshagen:
dx = a, xy + agy? + am + a;x%y + agxy” + agy>
dy = b, x + b„y + bax? + b, xy + box? T b,x’y + bgxy? + boy
Parameter set m proposed by Schut:
dx = c3xy + es y” + cjx?y + coxy” + 61 + 619^
dy = cıy + cox ^. c,x? + cexy + cgx?y + cox? + c1?x^y? + I
Parameter set n proposed by Salmenpera and Kilpela:
dx = b,x + bay + baxr? (1-r, /r) + b,xr^ (17r, /r) + boxrÓ (1-1, /r) + bg* 2xy + b, (r? + 2x2)
dy --bjy * box * b4yr?(1-r,/r) 4 b,yr^ (17r /r) * bgxrf(-r /r) * be (x? + 2y?) + b; + 2xy,
where To is a given constant (first radial distance, where radial distortion is wanted to be zero).
These parameter sets were incorporated into Schut's bundle adjustment program /Schut 1978/. This
program has been written to allow in a simple way the introduction of any choice and number of
parameters. This has been achieved by dimensioning all affected arrays to variable length and by
restricting the program to the use of one of many subroutines defining additional parameters. This
subroutine is defined by its name and the number of parameters in the input to the program. For this
investigation, the program has been used repeatedly with one of the parameter sets defined above at a
Photographs of the two testfields Jámijaárvi and Rheidt were used thus far. Each testfield was
simultaneously flown with two wide-angle réseau cameras, a Vild RC8R and a Zeiss RMK-AR. The available
six sets of photographs consist of a 3x3 block with 60Z overlap in both directions and of four
photographs each covering the area of the block in one of the four different orientations. All
photographs were measured on Zeiss PSKl stereocomparators used in the monocomparator mode. All
testfield points were used as control points after the discovery that points not stereoscopically
determined in the 3x3 block would have to be dropped unless they were used as control.
Our stategy consists of three steps.
- correct image deformation by means of the réseau,
- determine and correct system distortion parameters and
- carry out self-calibration.