Hartmut Ziemann
Sabry El-Hakim
Photogrammetric Research !
National Research Council of Canada |
Ottawa, Canada
Odd-power polynomials were determined for all lens distortion reference data ever included into the
various editions of the Canadian Specification for Aerial Survey Photography. The degree of the
polynomials as well as the number of valid digits of the polynomial coefficients were varied in an
attempt to best fit the given data. For fifteen of the nineteen lens types included into the
investigation, the maximum deviation between best-fitting polynomial and given data was smaller than or
equal to the resolution with which the original data were given. The values for the other four lens
type were 1.1, 1.5, 1.3 and 1.7 times that resolution; the last two values apply to lenses no longer in
service in Canada.
Odd-power polynomials appear well suited to define average radial lens distortion from both,
theoretical considerations as well as published data. We attempted to find best-fitting odd- power
polynomials for all lens distortion reference data ever included into the various editions of the
Canadian Specification for Aerial Survey Photography using, whenever available, the data provided by
the manufacturers to either the National Research Council or the Interdepartmental Committee on Air
Survey as base for defining the reference data. The degree of polynomial as well as the number of
non-zero decimal digits of the coefficients were varied.
We shall first introduce the used lens distortion reference data, then discuss the determination of
the polynomials and give results. These will be followed by a description of an averaging process and
of the results thus derived.
Table 1 lists all lens types included into the investigation and indicates in which of the editions
of the Specification they were included. The data used for most lens types were those submitted by
Table 1: Lens types, their inclusion in editions of the Specification BE
for Aerial Survey Photography, and dates of fixed |
references, if those could be located. |
i i BIS Dis Md
No. Lens Type eajoloisijojesigsioi 91[.9 | Date on Reference fe
Document |
* *
1 Ross 153/5.5 lens G| G| G |
2 Bausch & Lomb Metrogon 153/6.3 G| G| G
3 Wild Aviogon 153/5.6 and c| ci c G| T |
Wild Universal-Aviogon 153/5.6 G G| T |
4 Zeiss-Oberkochen Pleogon 153/5.6 T| G G| T
5 Zeiss-Oberkochen Pleogon-A 153/5.6 6 G| T
6 Wild Super-Aviogon 88/5.6 (lens only) Tl el T
7 Galileo-Santoni Ortogon 154/5.6 G| T 1969-01-31
8 Zeiss-Oberkochen Pleogon-A2 153/5.6 T 1971-06-29
9 Zeiss-Jena Lamegon 152/4.5 T 1971-06-11
10 Wild Super-Aviogon-II 88/5.6 T 1974-03-05
11 Wild Universal-Aviogon-I 153/5.6 T 1976-01-09
12 Wild Universal-Aviogon-II 153/4 T 1976-01-09
13 Wild Aviotar-II 303/5.6 1976-01-09
14 Zeiss-Jena Super-Lamegon-II 90/5.6 1979-10-15
15 Zeiss-Jena Lamegon-PI/B 152/4.5 1981-06-13
16 Zeiss-Oberkochen S-Plegon-A2 85/4 1981-08-28
17 Zeiss-Oberkochen Pleogon-A2 153/4 1981-08-28
18 Zeiss-Oberkochen Topar-Al 305/5.6 1981-08-29
19 Zeiss-Jena Lamegor-PI 300/5.6 1981-11-20
G .. lens distortion is given graphically
T .. lens distortion is given in tabular form
». amendments