Full text: ISPRS 4 Symposium

C.I. = 5 Ft. 
Figure 2 
Contour Map Produced from Stereoplotter DTM 
Figure 3 
Contour Map Produced from Automatically Generated DTM 
In the next test the cross and circular panels were located 
in the Mazomaine photography by the automatic panel recogni 
tion process. Also an attempt was made to locate the pug 
holes by the same process. However, the 80 micrometer pug 
holes were too small for the 50 micrometer pixel size and 
only a few were located. This provided insufficient data 
for a scanner calibration and the process will have to be 
repeated with larger pug holes or smaller pixel size. 
Tables 1 and 2 show the discrepancies between the automati 
cally derived coordinates and the monocomparator measured 
values for two photos of the Mazomanie photography. 
Virtually all of the points were located to sub-pixel 
levels. Since the direction of drum rotation was parallel 
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