Full text: ISPRS 4 Symposium

Goetz, A.F.H., F.C. Billingsley, A.R. Gillespie, et al. 
1975, Application of ERTS Images and Image Processing to 
Regional Geologic Problems and Geologic Mapping in N. 
Arizona: NASA Technical Report 32-1597, Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory"^ Cal ifornia, USA. 188 p. 
JPL. 1978, Development of the California Mosaic: Jet 
Propuslion Laboratory Internal Document, CDF Forestry 
Mapping Project. 
Justice, C.O. 1978, An Examination of the Relationship 
Between Selected Ground Properties and Landsat MSS Data in 
an Area of Complex Terrain in Southern Italy: Proc. 
American Society of Photogrammetry, Fall Meeting, 
Albuquerque, New Mexico, pp. 303-328. 
Nelson, R.F. 1981, ASSESS2: Analysis of Four Methods for 
Classifying Forest Defoliation (revised): Internal Report, 
Goddard Earth Resources Branch. 
Rohde, W.G. and H.J. Moore. 1974, Forest Defoliation 
Assessment with Satellite Imagery: Proceedings of the 
Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Ninth 
International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Environ 
ment, Vol. II, pp. 1089-1104. 
Talerico, R.L. 1978, Quantifying Qypsy Moth Defoliation: 
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 44, 
No. 1?, pp. 1385-1392. 
Tucker, C.J. 1979, Red and Photographic Infrared Linear 
Combinations for Monitoring Vegetation: Remote Sensing of 
the Environment, Vol. 8, No. 2. pp. 127-150. 
Turner, B.J. and G.M. Baumer. 1982, A Statewide Landsat 
Data Base as a Source of Land Resource Information for 
Pennsylvania. In: Proceedings of the ISPRS IV Technical 
Meeting on Environmental Assessment and Resource 
Management, American Society of Photogrammetry. 
USGS. 1979, The Landsat Data Users Handbook, Revised 
Edition, United States Geological Survey/EROS, Sioux 
Falls, SD. 
Vincent, R.K. 1973, Spectral Ratio Imaging Methods for 
Geological Remote Senisng from Aircraft and Satellites. 
In: Proceedings of American Society of Photogrammetry, 
Management, Utilization of Remote Sensing Data 
Conferences, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, pp. 377-397. 
Williams, D.L. 1975, Computer Analysis and Mapping of 
Gypsy Moth Defoliation Levels in Pennsylvania Using 
Landasst-1 Digital Data: Proceedings of the NASA Earth 
Resources Survey Symposium^ Technical Sessions 
Presentations, Vol. 1-A, pp. 167-181.

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