Full text: ISPRS 4 Symposium

The author wishes to thank Mr. Fred Billingsley, Mr. Earl 
Montoya, Ms. Ruth Whitman, and Dr. Ken Ando for their val 
uable suggestions. 
1. "Resource and Environmental Surveys from Space with the 
Thematic Mapper in the 80 s," NRC/CORSPERS, 1976. 
2. "Specification for the Landsat-D System, NASA GSFC-430- 
78-100, August, 1978. 
3. J. Bryant, "Basic Research Planning in Mathematical 
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis," NAS 9-15964, 
Texas A&M University, August, 1980 
4. "Earth Observatory Satellite System Definition Study," 
General Electric Co. Report Document No. 3* (No. 74SD- 
4242), July 15, 1974. 
5. "On-Board Image Registration Study," NAS 5-23725, TRW 
Report, January 31, 1979. 
6. " Preliminary Stereosat Mission Description," JPL, Re 
port, May 30, 1979. 
7. "Landsat-D Multispectral Scanner Geometric Correction," 
G.E. presentation to NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 
April 20, 1981. 
8. E-System (Garland Division) presentation to NASA Head 
quarters, October 26, 1981. 
9. A. Fang, "Attitude Error and Image Registration," Data 
Systems Branch Report, NASA Headquarters, July 17, 1980. 
10. F. Sohmer, R. Isakson, and J. Eidenshink, "Investigation 
of Remote Sensing Techniques as Inputs to Operational 
Resource Management," Remote Sensing Institute, South 
Dakota State University, January 11, 1977. 
11. L. Blanchard and 0. Welnstien, "Design Challenges of the 
Thematic Mapper," IEE Transactions on Geoscience and 
Remote Sensing, Vol. GE-18, No. 2, April 1980. 
12. J. Engel, "Thematic Mapper - An Interim Report on Antic 
ipated Performance," American Institute of Aeronautics 
and Astronautics, 1980 (80-1915).

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