Dennis P. Franklin
Cartographer, Techniques Office
Aerospace Cartography Department
Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center
St. Louis, AFS, Missouri 63118
The application of computers and computer processes to support chart
production at the Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center (DMAAC) is
discussed. The chart production process is continually being analyzed for
application to automation. Source assessment and inventory, control, data
collection, chart compilation and revision, color separation and printing can be
enhanced or accomplished by automated processes.
Also considered is the development and continual evaluation of a digital
Cartographic Data Base (CDB) to provide this Center with a capability to
support advanced digital mapping requirements. Digital data, defined and
stored in a standardized format, is ideal for both ongoing maintenance of the
data base and for maximum exploitation through advanced interactive systems.
The Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center (DMAAC) has the responsibility
to meet an ever increasing number of different Mapping Charting and Geodesy
(MC&G) requirements. The charting program primarily consists of the Air
Target Materials (ATM) and the Navigation and Planning (NAV/PLAN) Charts.
Special charts are produced for NASA, Air Weather Service and many other
users. Most of these charts and navigation products are produced using
traditional (manual) cartographic methods. A significant portion of DMAAC's
production resources are devoted to assuring that these products are kept
current with user's needs. Obsolescence comes from either or both of the
following reasons:
The charts no longer meet current accuracy requirements.
The information provided is outdated.
Thus, DMAAC has established a need for accurate up-to-date cartographic
information in a digital format readily transformed to meet specific charting
requirements. Specifically, DMAAC has the requirement for a Digital Color
Separation Production Process to include the collection, maintenance and
exploitation of a data base of product independent digital cartographic
information. The data base must contain not only lineal features in a line
segment noded digital format, but also sufficient textual information to support
utilization requirements for a "Family of Charts" (FOC) production process.