’ Automated Graphic Digitizing System (AGDS): Automatic raster
scanning and manual vector digitizing. Vectorization, Interactive editing and
tagging (symbolization).
Support Hardware
Gerber Plotters: Vector verification and quality photo (reporducible)
Xynetics Plotter: Vector verification plots.
UNIVAC 1100 Series Computer: Software processing.
’ Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) Base consisting of an array of
elevation points at specified increments of longitude and latitude.
Digital Feature Analysis Data (DFAD) Base consisting of point, linear
and areal features identified according to potential reflectivities.
IV Support Software Functional Capabilities
‘ Graphic Line Symbolization Software (GLSS) for generating symbolized
plot tapes of tagged chart feature data.
* DTED to relief information to include contours and spots.
* DTED to shaded relief (hill shading).
' DFAD to Radar Significan Analysis Codes (RSAC) for radar simlations.
DMAAC is escalating the automation of the charting process and expects to
achieve an all digital softcopy production capability by 1988 (Fig 2) to include
the establishment, as appropriate, of uniform procedures relating to the
collection, screening, evaluation, editing, symbolization, retrieval and exchange
of digital source and production data. It is anticipated that the concept of
digital color separation and data base development will necessitate some monor
changes in product specifications and compilation procedures. Existing charting
specifications for DMA products were developed in an era devoid of
automation. These specifications need to be reevaluated for redefinition of
certain cartographic rules to maximize the savings that are possible through
automation while maintaining effective communication to the users.
Table 2 lists currently identified developmental efforts to support this proposed
softcopy production system.