Full text: ISPRS 4 Symposium

The 3rd circular covering the primary data acquisition stage has been 
prepared and the documents were mailed to the WG in June 1982. 
In appendix I the Stereo Plotting main functional processes and sub 
processes are listed. 
In appendix II the Stereo Plotting influencing factors are listed. 
In appendix III the primary Data Acquisition main functional processes 
and sub-processes are listed (initial thinking). 
In appendix IV the Primary Data Acquisition influencing factors are 
listed (initial thinking) 
Short term 
1. Stereo Plotting Phase 
1.1 Create a feature density classification system (Jerie and 
Holland 1982). 
1.2 Create and circulate a questionnaire designed to obtain 
statistical data on stereo plotting production rates 
(mathematical modelling will not be possible until quantified 
information from 1.1 above is available). 
2. Primary Data Acquisition phase 
2.1 Analyse the responses to the 3rd circular and create a final 
relation matrix for the primary data acquisition phase. 
2.2 Create and circulate a questionnaire designed to obtain 
statistical data on production rates. 
3. Aerial Triangulation Phase 
3.1 Determine the main functional processes and sub-processes for 
aerial triangulation production. 
3.2 Determine the influencing factors which affect production rates. 
3.3 Create and circulate the relation matrix for the aerial 
triangulation phase - 4th circular. 
4. Cost Standards : formulate initial thinking. 
In the longer term the field surveying, photomap production and 
cartographic phases will also be investigated. 
The authors wish to thank Mr. J. Kure for his continuing valuable 
assistance on the project. 
1. JERIE, H. G., 1973, PPP - An operations research programme for 
project planning, ITC Journal 1973 -3 , P 349 - 378 
2. JERIE, H. G., 1976, The Establishment of Cost Models in 
photogrammetry, invited paper, ISP Commission VI, Helsinki 1976 
JERIE, H. G., and HOLLAND, E. W., 1982, Establishment of a Feature 
Density Classification System, Auto-Carto 5/ISPRS IV paper 

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