Full text: ISPRS 4 Symposium

6. Konecny, G., 1979. Einsatz photogrammetrischer Kameras aus dem Welt 
raum für kartographische Anwendungen. Atlas-Study by BMFT 01QS019ZA/ 
WF/WEO 275.-2.4, Hannover. 
7. Konecny, G., 1981. Nutzeranforderungen an satel!itengetragenen Stereo- 
MOMS vom Standput der topographischen Kartographie. Study of the In 
stitute for Photogrammetry and Engineering Surveys, Vol.8, University 
of Hannover. 
8. Welch, R., 1981. Cartographic Potential of a Spacecraft Line-Array 
Camera System: Stereosat. Phot.Eng.8: 1174-1185. 
9. Wong, K.W., 1975. Geometric and Cartographic Accuracy of ERTS-1 
Imagery, Phm.Eng. and Rem.Sen. 41(5): 621-635. 
10. U.N.Study, 1976. World Cartography. Dept, of Economic and Social 
Affairs. United Nations, New York, Study no. ST/ESA/SER.L/14.

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