Full text: ISPRS 4 Symposium

Fowler, Thomas R., Peter A Castruccio and Harry L. Loats, Jr. (1977) The 
Application of Remote Sensing to the Development and Formulation of Hydrologic 
Planning Models. Final Report, NASA Contract No. NAS8-30539, ECOsystems 
International, Inc., Gambrills, Maryland 
George, Thomas S., R. S. Taylor and R. P. Shubinski (1980) Cost Effectiveness of 
Conventional and Remote Sensing Techniques for Watershed Planning. 
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Symposium on Remote Sensing of 
Environment, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 
pp. 639-644. 
Hoi tan, H. N. (1961) A Concept of Infiltration Estimates in Watershed 
Engineering, USDA-ARS Publication No. ARS 41-51. 
Holtan, H. N. and Melih Yaramanoglu (1977) A User's Manual for the University 
of Maryland Version of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Hydrograph 
Laboratory Model of Watershed Hydrology. Agricultural Experiment Station, 
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, Publication No. 918. 
Holtan, H. N., J. P. Ormsby and G. T. Fisher (1977) Applications of a Maryland 
Version of the USDAHL-74 to a Watershed in Prince George's County, Maryland. 
Proceedings, Watershed Research in Eastern North America, A Workshop to 
Compare Results, Vol. II, Chesapeake Bay Center for Environmental Studies, 
Edgewater, Maryland, pp. 887-904. 
Jackson, Thomas F. (1976) The Value of Landsat Data in Urban Water Resources 
Planning. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. Library, University of Maryland, College 
Park, Maryland. 
Lyss, M. (1982) Telephone correspondence in July 1982, Geological Survey, Water 
Resources Division, Towson, Maryland. 
Ragan, Robert M., R. H. McCuen, E. C. Rebuck and L. E. Otts (1973) Resources 
Identification Study of the Anacostia River Basin. Six Volume Final Report to the 
Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Annapolis, Maryland. 
Ragan, Robert M. and Thomas Л. Jackson (1976) Hydrograph Synthesis Using 
Landsat Remote Sensing and the SCS Models. NASA Report X-913-76-161, 
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland. 
Ragan, Robert M. and Thomas Л. Jackson (1980) Runoff Synthesis Using Landsat 
and SCS Model. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American 
Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 106, No. HY5, May 1980. 
Rose, James and Cornelius Donahue (1980) Algorithm Simulation Test and 
Evaluation Program (ASTEP-II) User Manual. NASA Contract NAS5-24350, The 
Computer Sciences Corporation for the Eastern Regional Remote Sensing 
Application Center (ERRSAC), Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, 
Welle, Paul I. and Thomas J. Jackson (1982) Application of Landsat Data and 
Computer Bases to Runoff Curve Number Estimation. American Society of 
Agricultural Engineers, Paper No. 82-2097, presented at the 1982 summer 
meetings of the ASAE, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, June 27-30 1982. 
Yaramanoglu, Melih (1978) A Finite Element Model for Simulation of Hydrographs 
from Natural Watersheds. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. Library, University of 
Maryland, College Park, Maryland.

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