Full text: ISPRS 4 Symposium

Following data are given as known input data. 
. configuration of earth surface 
given by national elevation data bank 
. allocation of elements of array sensor 
. radiance value which will be reflected the earth surface 
given by LANDSAT MSS data 
Simulated imagery for linear array sensor was obtained as 
1) Input those data of satellite orbit (X 0 (L), Y 0 (L), Z 0 (L), 
and satellite attitude (w(L), 4>(L), k (L) ) as the function 
of line number L. 
2) Generate a beam connecting each element and the projection 
3) Determine the cross point of the beam and the earth surface. 
4) Interpolate the radiance value from the geographically 
corrected LANDSAT MSS data. 
Fig.1 shows the schematic geometry of linear array sensor. 
Fig.2 shows the topographic map in the test area. 
Fig.3 shows the computer simulated imagery. 
Exterior orientation parameters are given as the function of 
time or line number, as follows. 
satellite orbit: 
Y o = X o otXi.L 
Y 0 = Yoo+Yi.L 
Y 0 = Zqo+Zi.L 
satellite attitude: 
co =co o +w i . L+co 2 • L+co 3. L 
=<t>o+<f>i . L-t-cf) 2 . L+4>3 .L 
< =Ko+Kl.L+<2.L+k3.L 
where L: line number 
(X 0 , Y0/ Z 0 ) : projection center 
(to , cj> , < ) : attitude (roll,pitch and yaw) 
Total number of unknown exterior orientation parameters are 
enghteen. Colinearity condition can be expressed as follows. 
an(X - X 0 ) + ai2 (Y - Y 0 ) + ai 3 (Z - Z 0 ) x 
a31(X - Xo) + a 3 2(Y - Yo) + a33(Z - Zo) f 
a 2 1(X - Xo) + a 2 2(Y - Y 0 ) + a 23 (Z - Z 0 ) y 
a3i(X - Xo) + a32(Y - Yo) + as3(Z - Zo) f 
(X, Y, Z) : coordinates of object 
(Xo, Y 0 , Zo): projection center 
f : focal length 
( x, y ) : photographic coordinates of element 
x =ax^ 
Y = [ 
Ux í ,AY í 
i-(n-l)/2]644Y i 
i : element number 
) : corrections for inner distortion 
n : total number of elements 
6 : spacing of elements 

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