Full text: ISPRS 4 Symposium

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from SA 
Eng. F. Dhargham, Chemical Engineer 
Mr. T. Abdulla, Lab. Technician 
Mr. A.M. Said, Lab. Technician 
Date & Time: 
Tuesday, October 26, 1976 (1030-1130) 
Place : 
Shuaiba Area, Fig. (4) 
Depths : 
Surface (30 - 100 cm) 
Bottom (4m average) 
Mid ( 3 m average) 
Parameters : 
1- Temperature 
2- Dissolved oxygen 
3- Conductivity 
4- pH 
5- Depth 
The helicopter took off the landing field "A" Fig. (4) 
towards the experimental site "B" at 10.30 a.m. as scheduled. 
When the helicopter arrived the scheduled site "B" the boat 
was not there. At this time the boat was at a pumping sta 
tion "C". Bad weather caused delay. The helicopter proceeded 
to "C" to make the measurements near said pumping station 
Figure 4: 
Sketch showing Port of Shuaiba Industrial Area, 
A. Temporary helicoptor landing site 
B. Planned Sampling Site 
C. Actual Sampling Site

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