Full text: Precision and speed in close range photogrammetry (Part 1)

practice. For example, finding no photogrammetric cameras on the market 
that could meet its exacting demands, GSI was forced from the outset (and 
to this very day) to design and fabricate its own close-range cameras and 
supporting equipment. As a result, GSI has in due course acquired what may 
well be the world's most extensive and versatile inventory of specialized 
equipment for close-range photogrammetry (Figure 1). 
GSI's practical experience in close-range photogrammetry is varied and 
broad. It embraces mensuration of such subjects as: 
cover one hundred parabolic antennas ranging from large (100 m) to 
small (1 m) under both static and dynamic conditions, 
‘various space structures undergoing testing in solar-vacuum 
epropellers of ships and submarines, 
structures undergoing static and dynamic testing in wind tunnels, 
surface of land over mines and salt domes undergoing subsidence 
as a result of excavation, 
‘cylindrical and spherical storage tanks for liquid natural gas, 
‘walls of experimental oil shale mines, 
ssubstructures of the Space Shuttle before and after flight. 
In addition, GSI has conducted extensive studies involving computer simula- 
tions for the optimization of photogrammetric mensuration of subjects rang- 
ing from submarines and excavations to structures orbiting in space (Brown 
In recent years a number of GSI's clients in the aerospace and ship- 
building industries have expressed interest in acquiring an 'in-house' 
capability in close-range photogrammetry.  GSI's response is embodied in 
STARS, a turnkey system encompassing all necessary elements of instrumenta- 
tion (camera, comparator, computer), software (bundle adjustment with self- 
calibration optimized for close-range applications) and training.  Exploit- 
ing as it does, a wealth of practical experience and benefiting from two 
«decades of R & D. and innovation, STARS represents a quantum technical 
advance in close-range photogrammetry. With STARS, accuracies in the realm 
of 1 part in 500,000 of the diameter of the object become both possible and 
practical for the first time. 
In the sections to follow, essentials of the major components of STARS 
are outlined. These consist of 
(1) Camera - GSI CRC-1 
(2) Software - The program STAR and auxiliary packages 
(3) Computer - The WICAT 150 
(4) Comparator - any of several commercially available units. 

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