Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

m of 
e output 
and ex- 
utput is 
- nus)] 
le sensor 
je output 
> signal 
| spatial 
, g(y) is 
formed to 
G,(v)= [E(v) + | Av) | ] 
|l :sinzvl/ zy (8) 
In the case of whiskbroom scan, several 
sensor elements are arranged in along track 
. Then the sampling process is included. 
The output is given as follows. 
S) [r(y *h(y)] -Y6(y - np) (9) 
In the frequency domain, 
Gu(v)= [R(v) «+ [H(v) |] * 
Vs ° S ó (v = nvs) (10) 
This simulator is constructed on a work 
station in National Aerospace Laboratory. 
The simulator is consisted of computer sub- 
system and dispray subsystem. Features of 
this simulator are, 
(1) flexibility of display subsystem 
(2) changeability of simulation contents 
(3) simplicity of function addition 
The simulation is conducted as a train of 
subroutines. Table 1 shows the subroutines. 
Table 1. Subroutines of the simulator 
Title Function 
gscene generates 19 input scenes 
gpsf generates 15 PSF 
wvdisp graphic dispray of data 
power computation of power 
emfpsf computation of MTF 
convlt computation of convolution 
and other 5 subroutines 
move etc. data transfer between areas 
add etc. arithmetical operation 
sin etc. trigonometrical function 
exp exponential operation 
sqrt computation of square root 
and other 25 operations 
The. simulation of imaging operation of IS 
is conducted as following block diagrams. 
Fig.1 shows the case without atmospheric 
effect, and Fig.2 shouws the case with at- 
mospheric effect. 
gen.of gen. of comp.of disp.of 
input 3 sensor convl. [- output 
scene PSF scene 
Fig.1 Simulation of the case without 
atmospheric effect 
gen. | |gen.] icomp.| |gen. comp.| (disp. 
of | Jof | Jof | Jof | Jof | Jof 
input| jatm.| |convl| |sensor| |convl| |output 
scene| {PSF PSF scene 
Fig.2 Simulation of the case with atmos- 
pheric effect 
The outlook ofAVNIR is shown in Fig.3 The 
collecting optics is a sort of Schmidt type 
Sun Calibration Module 
. Bean Splitter 
Fig.3 Outlook of AVNIR 
catadi-optoric system. A linear array with 
5,000 sensor elements is used for each 
multi-spectral band, and a linear array 
with 10,000 sensor elements is used for the 
panchromatic band. The dimension of a sen- 
sor element for multi-spectral band is 164 
mx 164m, and the dimension of a sensor 
element for panchromatic band is 8um x 8u 

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