By Nickolas L. Faust Georgia Tech Research Institute am
Dharmajyoti Bhaumik Georgia Institute of Technology fligh
Ryan Woodard Electromagnetics and Physical desig
Dung Vu Sciences Laboratory on gi
Atlanta, Georgia 30332
KEY WORDS: GIS, Visualization, Remote, Sensing, Geographic, Virtual Reality worl
Computing, Rendering now
The merger of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis with multidimensional visualization has S
allowed the development of a unique interactive environment for GIS systems. Instead of the traditional
top down viewing of GIS layers and analyses using those layers, a three dimensional approach is Curr
described that combines GIS functionality with a fast 3 dimensional code developed at the Georgia Tech view
Research Institute (GTRI). While three dimensional perspective viewing has been common in flight spati
simulation and has been used recently in display of remote sensing and GIS data sets, it has always been dime
used primarily as a glitzy method to display basic data and pregenerated analyses. By combining fast be p
rendering within a GIS structure, direct query of attributes can be added to visibility analysis allowing using
the practical use of perspective imaging as a direct interface into a GIS analysis system. This interface and :
is a natural method for a user to interact with spatial data sets. the s
the @
Traditional methods of GIS display and A dynamic method for combining both the that
analysis normally provide for the display of multi-layer weighting, proximity, and migl
vector and raster GIS data in a top down, visibility operations as well as interactive be s
seen from above presentation. Overlays, query into a single, powerful, interface whet
proximity analyses, and other GIS analysis into GIS functionality is being developed will
functions are always performed in a two at the Georgia Tech Research Institute anotl
dimensional view of the database. Many of (GTRI). This should not be viewed as the Visil
these analyses include terrain elevation data development of another new GIS system. Ways
or derived parameters such as slope and Instead, it should be viewed as a view
aspect. Functions such as terrain masking synergistic combination of strengths of a line
help the user understand the influence of the rapidly expanding GIS field and the dire
local terrain on visibility from a point within similarly expanding visualization of s
the database. A line of sight analysis will environment. A GIS system has grown read;
show a terrain profile between points of more and more sophisticated as new a pa
interest in the database. Visibility is models, techniques, and applications are there
becoming an increasingly important factor in included. Combinations of raster and that
GIS analysis, however, a two dimensional or vector information is occurring in several alon:
one dimensional representation of the area commercial GIS systems bring further som:
that can be seen is not as effective as a full 3 capabilities for display and analysis of view
dimensional view. A three dimensional spatial data. direc
perspective view shows not only the GIS area
layers of interest, but also what can be seen During the same time, visualization locat
from a particular location within, above, or techniques have come out of the closet of can
below the terrain. the computer graphics artists and have seen