Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

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) a globally 
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ich the ob- 
road, land 
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define a 
Selection of Object Class i 
Manual Selection of Outline Breakpoints p 
Automatic Template Generation i 
Globally Enforced Least Squares Template Matching 
Fig. 5: Globally enforced least squares template 
matching strategy 
polygonic approximation of the edge contour. By in- 
terpolating between the polygonic approximation 
nodes at user-specified intervals, numerous points 
are extracted, roughly outlining the current object of 
interest. These points are then used as approxima- 
tions for the subsequent precise edge positioning 
through least squares template matching. The syn- 
thetic matching template is automatically generated 
as the 2-D ramp edge which best fits image profiles 
extracted perpendicular to the polygonic approxima- 
tion at the interpolated positions. The matching solu- 
tion, however, will no longer proceed independently 
for the various points of the same outline. Instead, 
the mathematical model presented in section 5 is ex- 
tended to provide a simultaneous global matching so- 
lution, whereby  globality refers to all matching 
candidates pertaining to a single object. 
More specifically, individual edge positions, detected 
by least squares template matching along a single 
object outline, will have to fulfill a certain geometric 
condition, describing the acceptable outline geome- 
try. For example, it is typical for houses to have edges 
formed by straight linear segments, while for roads 
Smooth splines are suitable. By defining such a geo- 
metric relationship, we are able to tie together the 
matching adjustment solution of independent points. 
Assuming straight linear edges for instance, and us- 
Ing the notation of the previous section, it is obvious 
that edge points along the same line should satisfy 
the condition 
A y;- Axtang, - 0 (23) 
which in matrix form is expressed as 
Vector X includes the transformation parameters of 
all matching templates referring to different locations 
along the same linear edge segment. The associated 
weights can vary from zero (i.e. constraint virtually re- 
moved) to infinity (i.e. constraint strictly enforced). By 
adding these constraints, the final solution is ob- 
tained in analogy to equation (22) as 
E T T T T = 
X » (A'PA« BIP,B, * BIP,B, « BI P,B) 
T T T T 
(A PI- B, P lp B.P t7 B, P, (25) 
The above matrices include information from all in- 
volved templates, and obviously matrices in equation 
(22) are actually submatrices of their counterparts in 
equation (25). 
For curvilinear features now (e.g. roads), splines are 
used to ensure piecewise continuity and smooth- 
ness. A discrete approximation of this constraint can 
be given as 
2AX;- AX;_,-AX;,, = 0 (26) 
2Ay;- Ay; ,-Ay;,4, 70 (27) 
2A9,-A9; ,-A9,,, 70 (28) 
Such conditions can be properly fomulated and in- 
cluded as geometric constraints in the global adjust- 
ment in lieu of equation (24), and the solution is 
again given by equation (25). The employment of the 
appropriate set of constraints is determined by the 
operator's object class selection at the beginning of 
the procedure. 
By modifying least squares template matching in 
such manner, its inherent high edge positioning pre- 
cision and well established mathematical foundation 
are retained and further improved by the infusion of 
global geometry information similarly to the snake ap- 
proach. Thus, the advantages of both techniques are 
optimally combined providing precise and reliable re- 
The semi-automatic strategy for road extraction using 
wavelet transformed SPOT imagery has been suc- 
cessfully implemented in our Institute on a digital 
photogrammetric station and Fig. 6, 7 and 8 show a 

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