the flight mission (Lapine, 1990). This offset can be
introduced as a constant or as stochastic apriori
information in the adjustment.
Generally, the moment of exposure does not
coincide with the time when the GPS receiver collects
an observation. Therefore, one must interpolate between
GPS positions to determine the antenna's position at the
instant of exposure utilizing the time tags associated
with GPS positions and the midpoint of the exposure of
the photograph. Linear functions or cubic splines are
commonly used for this task (Alobaida, 1993).
As mentioned earlier, GPS phase
measurements are essential for achieving the accuracy
required for aerotriangulation. Unfortunately,
processing of GPS phase observations is complicated
due to the problem of the initial ambiguity number. The
integer ambiguity corresponds to the number of whole
cycles the signal has traveled between emission by the
satellite and its reception at the receiver. The integer
ambiguity can be initialized before the flight mission
from a known reference point (Lapine, 1990) or by
using dual-frequency receivers and on-the-fly ambiguity
resolution techniques (Schade, 1992).
If for any reason the satellite signals are
interrupted during the flight, a new ambiguity number
has to be found. Signal discontinuities are caused by
different reasons: genuine cycle slips, interruption of the
signal, and constellation changes of the satellites.
Signal interruptions have been a major problem
affecting GPS aerotriangulation. Different algorithms
were developed for recovering the ambiguity through
filtering and prediction techniques (Euler, 1990;
Schade, 1992), and recently by using dual-frequency
Once GPS observations have been processed,
coordinates are available in the WGS84 reference frame.
Most ground coordinates, however, are defined with
respect to a national coordinate system (e.g. State Plane,
UTM). The transformation between these coordinate
systems can be based on published formulas (Colomina,
1993) or a set of reference points available in both
systems. Elevations are related to the ellipsoid and must
be corrected for geoid undulations.
In order to understand the limitation of GPS
controlled aerotriangulation without any ground control
one can assume that the triangulation process is
accomplished in two steps: relative and absolute
orientations. The relative orientation can be performed
by measuring at least five tie points in each stereo-pair.
The resulting models can be joined together for the
whole block or strip, yielding one model in a local
coordinate system. Performing this task does not
require any ground control. On the other hand, in order
to perform the absolute orientation, control is
mandatory. The minimum control requirement for the
absolute orientation is three control points that must not
be collinear. For GPS controlled block triangulation this
condition is satisfied because the GPS observations at
the perspective centers - our control - are well
distributed over the whole block. On the other hand this
condition is not satisfied for strip triangulation since the
GPS observations of the exposure stations are almost
collinear. In that case, the roll angle (around the flight
line) cannot be recovered, and ground control points are
necessary for solving the absolute orientation (Alobaida,
In this paper a new technique of strip
triangulation is introduced that employs GPS
observations at the exposure stations together with the
GPS positions of linear features on the ground. In this
approach, point to point correspondence along the linear
feature is not necessary. This is convenient since the
coordinates of the linear feature (e.g. a highway or
railroad centerline) can be gathered by a moving vehicle
on the ground. Thus it would be practically impossible
to associate GPS coordinates with distinct physical
objects along the linear feature on the ground.
Basically, the following procedure is executed:
(1) Image coordinates of a number of points are
measured along the linear feature in the
captured images; this can be done
2) An analytical function is fit through these
points in the image. Each image has an
individual function representing the feature.
3) The ground feature is projected into image
space and must belong to the corresponding
function in the image; this serves as a
constraint in the least squares adjustment.
The next section contains a short overview of
the analytics of GPS aerotriangulation. A detailed
description of the newly developed strip triangulation
model will be given in section 3. Results for both
simulated and real data are reported in sections 4 and 5,
respectively. Conclusions and recommendations are
presented in section 6.
2. GPS Controlled Aerotriangulation
This section describes how GPS observations of
the perspective centers can be included in bundle
adjustment (Hintz and Zhao, 1989). It is assumed that
GPS observations are interpolated at the exposure times
of the photographs. For each camera position the
observed GPS coordinates are introduced as additional
Observations, via equations of the form (1).
of the. C
center C
us to cor
they ar
with par:
ax, ay, a
bx, by, b
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