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if a ME dg (a,df) accept H,
otherwise, reject H,
a is the chosen level of significance, and
df is the degree of freedom, 1 in this case.
If the null hypothesis is accepted, which means
that the specific coefficient equals 0 and does not
contribute to the form of the curve, the polynomial order
is reduced by one. This test is carried out for each
coefficient from higher to lower orders until the null
hypothesis is rejected.
4. Results with Simulated Data
To evaluate the performance of the new model,
many experiments were conducted using simulated data.
We assumed a strip of four images containing one linear
feature. The interior orientation parameters of the
camera and the exterior orientation parameters of the
images constituting the strip are pre-defined. Along
these images both tie points and feature points were
simulated. The image coordinates of all object points
and features were computed using the known exterior
orientation of each photograph.
Experiments were conducted using the
simulated image coordinates of the tie points and points
along the linear feature as image observations (degraded
by random errors of image coordinate measurement),
and the exposure station coordinates and the linear
ground feature as GPS measurements. We wanted to
find out how the new technique behaves under different
conditions, such as varying GPS accuracies at the
perspective centers and on the ground. Its performance
was evaluated based on the differences between the
estimated ground coordinates of the tie points and their
real values. In figures 1 to 4, these differences are
displayed as error vectors originating from the true
position of each point to the computed one in X and Y
directions respectively.
Figure 1 shows the results obtained by
assuming a GPS accuracy of 1.0 m both on the ground
and at the exposures stations. The mean error at the tie
points after triangulation is about 0.5 m, which is quite
acceptable considering the low accuracy of the GPS
observations. A closer investigating of figure 1 reveals
that these deviations correspond to a scale error. In other
words, the accurate spacing between the exposures (base
length) were not completely recovered along the flight
line. This is expected since the linear feature is almost
parallel to the flight direction, which makes it
ineffective for recovering this component. It only solves
for the roll angle, while the shift, the scale, the
direction, and the pitch are solely recovered by the GPS
observations of the perspective centers.
—— 1.0 m
Fig. 1: Error vectors in X and Y using a GPS accuracy
of 1.0m on the ground and 1.0m at the perspective
centers. (the errors are in meters, ground units, at all
Figure 2 shows the results obtained by
assuming GPS accuracies of 1.7 m and 1.4 m on the
ground and at the exposure stations respectively. Figure
3 presents the errors at the computed tie points under
the same conditions but with unknown interior
orientation parameters. It is clear from this figure that
the system is not capable of solving for the x-coordinate
of the principal point due to its high correlation with the
X-component of the exterior orientation parameters.
Figure 4 shows the results obtained by assuming a GPS
accuracy of 1.7 m on the ground and 2.0 m at the
perspective centers. This figure indicates an ill-
conditioning in the normal equation matrix (i.e. the
results are not reliable any more).
Table 1 shows the rms values in X, Y, and Z
direction for the experiments described by Figs 1 to 4:
GPS Accuracy (m) RMS (m)
Air Ground X Y Z
1.0 1.0 0.37 0:28 0.45
1.4 1.7 1.07 1.24 1.86
1.4 1.7 (sc) 3.95 0.45 6.98
2.0 1.7 13.42 9.94 14.49
(sc) self calibration of the camera.
Table (1), Rms values in X, Y, and Z directions for
different GPS accuracies both at the perspective centers
and along the linear feature on the ground.