Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

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d CCD chip 
es to the 3-D 
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ereo pairs at 
ld of ground 
positions (1) 
| i 
"2mm JZ w —U x 
A La el 
Os . CCD Camera 
Position (i) 
Targets of Known Coordinates 
Position (j) 
GPS antenna 
Figure 4: The test field for calibrating the VISAT system 
Where (Xy, Y}, Z}) and (X, Y,, Z,) are the left and the right 
camera perspective coordinates of image(i) as obtained from 
the bundle adjustment, and R, 1s the rotation matrix 
between the c-frame and the m-frame as obtained from the 
bundle adjustment. 
» interpolating the perspective center coordinate of the 
cameras and the attitude information at the time of exposure. 
This requires the camera to be synchronized with the 
GPS/INS data. 
» merging the data necessary for the georeferencing 
process with the image data. The georeferencing data are 
contained in the header in front of each stereo-pair 
The object coordinates are obtained from the VISAT system 
through a fourteen parameter transformation (two scales, two 
translation vectors, and two rotation matrices) from the c- 
frame to the m-frame. As the position and the orientation of 
the two cameras are known at the time of exposure, an 
intersection procedure can be performed using the 
georeferencing formula in its final form as given in equation 
m mi : b 
P" o ms (0 * Rp (0 (Sí AR, +r Ü 8) 
It is clear from the georeferencing procedure that the 
accuracy of the 3-D coordinates is a function of a complete 
processing chain. This, involves system synchronization, 
GPS positioning, INS position/attitude determination, 
system calibration, accuracy of cameras, and geometry. 
As a first step in obtaining the contribution of each of these 
factors, a standard error analysis through error propagation 
is performed. The propagation of equation 8 after neglecting 
the second order terms results in the following equation: 
RU @- @si. dr] Sis SR] 4 
dr." = Orel) + SR, . (si . anb ro ad) + 
si. dR" vas sas 9) 
Equation 9 contains three major group of errors that 
contribute to the final accuracy of the 3-D coordinates 
derived from the VISAT system. They are the INS/GPS 
position errors, the INS orientation errors, and the 
calibration and target pointing errors. Table 1 summarizes 
the way each term in equation 9 contributes to the final 
accuracy of the 3-D coordinates. The table indicates that the 
major error sources are the INS/GPS position errors, the 
system synchronization errors, and the target pointing 
errors. The only potential error which was not included in 
equation 9 is the instability of the cameras with respect to 
the navigation sensors. This instability will add more errors 
b b : : ; 
through Sa and 8dR , specifically when its magnitude 
exceeds the noise level of the INS gyros. In general, the 
1. : b. rs : b 
variation in da is not as critical as that in ôdR,- The 
effects of camera instability on the final accuracy of the 3-D 
coordinates has still to be tested. In the remainder of this 
section, the contribution of each factor will be discussed 
using recent lab and field test data. 
The synchronization effect appears in both the interpolated 
m ; i m 
vector rius (0 and the rotation matrix R. (t). In order to 
reach the required accuracy of the VISAT system, the 
synchronization should be accurate to few milliseconds ( one 
millisecond is equivalent to 1.6 cm positional error for a 
velocity of 60 km/h). The system synchronization will be 
performed using the PPS from the GPS receiver. The PPS 
interrupts the computer every second. The interrupt handler 
gets a computer time tick with a resolution of 53 
microseconds from the programmable time chip of the PC. 
The computer time tick will be used to solve the ambiguous 
time offset between the GPS time and the computer time. 
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